posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984
with all due respect to the legitimacy of your opinion (i like that you yourself are an avid sampler of the finer wines)
and that you counter
balance that by saying it's okay to raise taxes, here's my rebuttal:
Let's tax all of the following:
Sugar - it makes people fat
Salt - it makes people fat
Sex - it spreads disease and increases the population, thereby costing tax payers more money for resources to power things like planned parent hood,
and welfare
Bottled Water - with a lack of minerals (and flouride) it's not doing too much to prevent tooth decay
of course, my list is created from a sarcastic manner.
I personally disagree with taxing things like vices.
I say - if you want to make more money - you make more vices.
Vices are something that only hurt YOU, they don't hurt anyone else. I don't believe self-infliction of anything upon yourself by yourself should
be against the law (unless it has effects that cause harm on alcohol)
I'm not talking specifically of drugs of any kind, but things like prostitution, gambling, etc.
Allow the masses to have their fun - and everyone profits.
Probably a distorted sense of the world - but hey - it is what it is. Utopia is a dream, never anything more. (just my 2 cents)