posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 12:19 AM
For my Opinion, this website will weed out anything that has no structure or backbone to rely upon.
I can't recall any posts you've made, but have seen them, recalling your avatar, but the key is to keep an open mind but not to open to where your
brain falls out.
I try my best, which fails at times, to use Reasoning above all else, and say is this the best possible fit to understand this, and sometimes iagree
with this site more then anything else.
But in this input of reasoning, I have lost all faith in the Christian God. Through reasoning, I for one and thousands on ATS rely on Fact. If not
fact a answer much more reasonable then previously put.
The world is always changing in conciousness, the earth is no longer flat, the moon is not made of cheese
the earth is not the center of the
universe, the earth is not the center of the galaxy, etcetecetec etec etc etc.
What many people may call you crazy for now! Might years from now, call you a person of average intelligence, and others ignorant!!!!!
Follow me? I saw you hadn't got a single post so I threw you one, and hoped it was good and thorough.