posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 02:39 PM
We're not finished. Lincoln may still have to be shot in the aftermath. England was backer for the south in the formal civil war. The union has lied,
the federalist are the cause for the devastation to industry and the poverty of our families. Though the south will never rise again, think of the
world repercussions.
Americans have stuck ther nose into any civil struggle. Most of your allies don't power struggle like the U.S.. The U.S. plays broker selling or
buying political allies. The cost of intervention to others can only mirror a gain of complete control. Most of your allies pulled out of the present
wars because they would not be in control afterwards. If the U.S. had some other civil war, one it wouldn't last long and no, no other country would
care, except to see if china would sell off the losing part.