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From 19 to 25 April Russia will be opened from the Internet for the transfer of main net equipment into the contemporary, the safer the Internet
THE UNITED NATIONS is discussed neither more from the past week in the committee nor is less than future of global network the Internet. In the
opinion of the majority of the representatives of the states of peace, the Internet in its contemporary form has long ago and far gone away from that
original purpose - the method of the rapid exchange scientific (including secret) information between universities and scientists of entire peace -
the purpose, for which there was it, strictly, it was built.
At present, in the opinion of speakers, the Internet became the source of a constant threat and enormous damage from the hackers, worms, viruses, the
Internet became the basic source of undesirable correspondence, the point of rendezvous and contact of offensive personalities and terrorists, the
porn magazine on a world-wide scale, which corrupts hundred million young children those 0 0N throughout the world and preaching violence and
lawlessness. However, the transfer of the secret information about the scientific developments for the lines the Internet recently became simply rash,
since the information will be unavoidably intercepted by the program- spies of both some governments and individual hackers.
But here if with the description of the prevailing situation of large differences in participants it did not arise, then it is here with the measures,
directed toward an improvement in this situation itself, there is no unanimous opinion, until now. They are proposed as the versions of the solutions:
work with the legislators of all world powers in the plan of the stiffening of responsibility for offenses into the Internet and equating of
disturbances in this sphere to the usual criminal offenses, development and introduction of the new technologies, which impede anonymity and
vsedozvolennosti, "isolation" from chaos the Internet safety zone with strict laws and responsibility, and even liquidation the Internet and the
construction of new network, with the originally built-in technologies of safety, either the construction of the "parallel" network, is small which
is intersected the Internet or that being not at all interesecting it.
It is worthwhile to note that the version of liquidation the Internet is not these already fabulous: entire matter, as usual, is abutted against
finances, he writes SecurityLab.Ru. The losses of the most important companies from the viruses, spama and khakerskikh attacks in last two years only
exceeded 80 billion US dollars and according to the forecasts in this 2004 they will only compose the analogous sum (for the comparison - the
tentative cost of building new global network it is 12-18 billion US dollars, the time of building - not more than one-and-a-half years...).
But today the version of liquidation the Internet did not cause approval TO UNITED NATIONS. As alternative, although provisional measure was proposed
the fastest passage of the infrastructure of the Internet to the contemporary Internet- protocols, which will make it possible to decrease the risks
of the Internet by an order. According to the affirmed graph of "fan turning offs" all countries of the peace (while according to last data OF
UNITED NATIONS there exists 215 states) during the year will pass to the new technologies, turning off of the country will be temporary and will
comprise (depending on the complexity of the structure of lines) from the twenty-four hours to 10 days, Russia will pass to the new protocols from 19
to 25 April, the access to any addresses in the network the Internet will be impossible at this time. America will pass to new protocols of one of the
latter during five days (from 2 through 6 January, 2005), and Japan - one first (already from 5 April, 2004, through 11 April, 2004).
The influence of new safer technologies on the reduction (it is desirable to think) in the damage from the Internet- crimes will be examined at the
current session of the committee OF UNITED NATIONS on questions of connection and tele-communications in the beginning of 2006. And then, at the
worst, can be accepted the solution also about the liquidation the Internet.