posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Exodus 32:11 “But Moses interceded with the LORD his God: "LORD, why does Your anger burn against Your people You brought out of the land of
Egypt with great power and a strong hand?”
In past posts on BTS & ATS, I have focused a lot about End Times and the Tribulation, Rapture and Armageddon. Our ministry has really been a lot about
sounding a warning to the masses. First, with the Kingdom Message of Salvation so that Christ’s extended flock may prepare their hearts and then
with the message that the Tribulation had begun so that they might prepare their minds for what we would all soon face and experience firsthand.
For nearly four years the world has experienced an increase in both the number of natural disasters that have occurred as well as their severity
increasing. Now that so many are beginning to experience hardships due to the economic collapses occurring in our country and around the world, which
have caused the loss of jobs and homes and many to go hungry and without medical attention and has caused pain and suffering in many different ways
for many different reasons, some are beginning to wonder why.
Recently I was asked, “I just don’t understand why, if God and His son love me SO much, why, why, why make me suffer? It doesn’t bring me
closer to Him, but makes me question my faith! And believe me; I don’t want to do that! It doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t see it as love, but
as punishment.”
This is not an easy question to answer, because in reality there are many reasons, explanations and possibilities depending on the person asking the
question. And it’s also not easy as a minister, who, while having compassion and empathy for those who are suffering, must also say to them in all
truthfulness that, “Yes, God is angry.”
Aside from being truthful, it is also our responsibility to help Christ’s extended flock to gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom. And in order
to gain knowledge as to what we are all experiencing in these End Times, the first thing to do is to look into what the word Tribulation means because
while many of us are aware of the word as spoken of in the scriptures, it helps to actually read the definition so that we might apply its meaning to
what we’re currently experiencing and come to a better and more complete understanding.
So what does the word tribulation really mean? It’s defined as being a great affliction, trial, or distress; suffering. But what you may not know is
that it’s also defined as an experience that tests one’s endurance, patience or faith.
In learning the definition of the word tribulation, we discover that Father forewarned us all of what we would experience; a period of great
affliction, distress and suffering. And that these things would also test our endurance, patience and faith.
Many people feel they are good people of good character and that perhaps they don’t deserve the pain or suffering, but it is important to realize
that it’s not by our own standards that we are judged but by Father's.
So what is character? Character is defined as the features and traits that form the individual nature of a person, their moral or ethical quality,
reputation, etc.
The building character can mean many things for many people. One sure thing that experiencing any sort of tribulation does, is that it builds
character and based on how the person approaches that tribulation or does in response to the tribulation will determine the type of character that is
built up within them. It can be either good or bad depending on the choices that are made by the individual.
For instance, a person who is faced with a situation in which they do not have the money with which to pay their rent might choose to turn to Father
in prayer or, they might choose to turn their back on Father out of anger and commit an illegal act in which to gain the money they need.
Because our sinfulness is innate, there is always room in all of us for the building of good character. We are, none of us, worthy of the undeserved
kindness that has been bestowed upon us. Building character can mean endurance, patience, understanding, obedience, compassion or strength. And it can
even mean learning to be surrender and be humble. There are many, many qualities that we are all lacking in and that different tests, trials or
tribulations may teach us.
Romans 5:4 “endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.“
So the answer is, yes, Father is angry but Father and Christ DO love us as well, and if you’ve ever loved anyone and been angry with them at the
same time, then you know that it is absolutely possible to feel both emotions at the same time.
However, we must not allow the pain or suffering to cause us to question our faith, but instead to build our faith. We must endure because we are all
tested in different ways, but we must remain strong and steadfast and obedient to Father's will. This too has also been illustrated in the scriptures
as examples for us of Father’s chosen one’s who while they served Father faithfully, also experienced pain and suffering. They too were tested and
while some failed, others endured.
Luke 21:19 “By your endurance gain your lives.”
Currently we are witnessing Father making Herself known to mankind through the effects of the Tribulation that is upon us, and over time more and more
will question their faith and others will even curse Father for the judgment that is upon us. This is all a part of the culling process and must occur
and as it must occur, we must endure so that we may gain our lives.
If at any point it feels that it’s too much, stop and consider this: Christ was of perfect character and without sin, and yet he suffered… for
Father does not wish that any of Her children should suffer or die - but these things must come to pass. So please, hold on tightly to your faith and
do not let go no matter what. Continue to endure and guard your heart too. I cannot stress enough how important this is in this day and age.
Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.”
Our prayers continue to be with you all, in the name of our loving savior Christ Jesus, Amen.
[edit on 11-3-2009 by ReginaAdonnaAaron]