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What I want to be when I am older...

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:05 PM
What I want to be when I am older...I got asked this question today at school(Highschool, Im a Sophomore) by my counselor, and I did not know how to answer it.
A few years back I wanted to by a Graphic Designer/Website Manager(Owner, or person who runs it)...but now I dont really care much for that. Although something I have always liked is studying and reading about Aliens, UFOs, Religion, Egyptions, Greeks, Roman, Mayan, Religion, The Government, Nostrodomus, 9/11, Nibiru, Ghosts, Future events(like 2012) and also about other alternative things. So now if I wanted to go into this profession what would it be called?
I have a hard time explaining it when someone asks me, they think I mean Archeologist, but I dont want to be that.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Good luck in your studies!

Edit: You could major in Philosophy, Art History, History but to be honest, the most you would be able to do with these degrees is teach. I think you'll find most of us older college grads had to chose something else and make these subjects a hobby. There's still a lot of opportunity in college, or even on your own, to explore these pursuits.

[edit on 3/11/2009 by Whisper67]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Geolion1

I,m going to give you a old timer answer.

You may never really find out what you want to be, many University and College grads end up doin something entirely different from what they learned.

Try to find something thats makes you happy in life as you do it, it will be more fulfilling.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:28 PM
Thanks, but teaching wouldn't be my thing, although I have thought about Philosophy.
What would you call what David Icke is?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Geolion1


2nd line

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Unless you want to be a ufologist (many of which starve to death) you might want to research those subjects as a hobby rather than a profession. Find a career path that you are genuinely interested in and apply for a job shadow.

after doing some research and complete another year or two of school you probably will know what direction you will want to head into. Later in life I'm sure you would rather be at a job that you love rather than only make lots of money, though having your cake and eating it never hurt too many people.

more importantly...what are you good at?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:32 PM
Good luck, OP. I wanted to be many things when I grew up. But two things which I had wanted very much to be were a sergeant in the army and an artist. I accomplished both of these, becoming an artist after quite a few years as an NCO in the army. These weren't the only things I wanted to be. I got into other things as well. Let's say I have a well-rounded resume. This can be seen as great by some employers and seen as a lack of commitment by others. If life side tracks you, don't give up on a dream. It can happen, maybe not just as quickly as you wanted it to. And also, a dream, once attained, might not have the luster you expected, and when that happens, don't forget to dream again. Meanwhile, now what I want to do when I grow up is become that spiritual being traversing the universe, looking for interesting places to light upon. And from what I have experienced, this too shall happen. And after that dream and actuality loses its luster, I will continue to dream again. Meanwhile, right now I am quite happy being an artist and creating my own worlds which are endless in my mind, so far.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Geolion1

What would you call what David Icke is?

Professional soccer player / sports presenter?

Why not try business studies at college, at least you will have the basics of making money in whatever you choose later on in life.


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