posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Wow, I am really sorry to hear about your coworker!
I hope that she is able to find a solution. Maybe different work hours? But with things the way they are with the economy, maybe it might be best not
to rock the boat at work?
She is not alone, I know it feels that way. Right now, I am in college and they do have a child care and are filled and while they have room for a few
more I was turned away because because its for those "most in need", its mostly students taking early education providing the care with the prof
supervising. Anyway, according the the financial records since I do not qualify for assistance of any type, even though I am going to be a single Mom
in several months, they will not accept my child for the Winter semester. For me personally, I would like for my child to be there so I can go visit
in between classes.
They won't accept my child, the other affordable and decent child care centers in the area having 3-4 yr waiting lists and the ones that don't have
a tuition of about $700 a month.