posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:21 PM
YEP i just ifnished writing some deep friggenthing and ohhh this post name is taken and wouldnt you guess it all my typing is gone I AM PISSED.
like broke my train of thought.
everytime i try to fix the world and make u see what i see it never works,. okay in a nut shell now im gunna sound like an idiot cause its not deep
or explained anymore.
were all human, were all humans, 2 hand 2 feet 1 head with exceptions no one is deformed enough to not be recognized as a human there isn't 100% of
CONTACT, VIDEO INTERACTION with aliens or life forms more intelligent than us so why do we not unite as a whole as humanity and take the universe a
little at a time while no one else is claiming these other territories why can we claim earth, then go oh these other planets can't claim them,
because there's nothing there stopping us except money which we dont even need to create the objects that will take us out there and the fact that
the scientists of the world are seperated by their governments and cant all work together.
Humanity Unite.
this is my movement anyone down?