Groundwater grown food on the Governments hit list
South East SA - Groundwater plan awaits Govt approval
The new system for groundwater allocation in south-east South Australia could be approved within weeks.
The South East Natural Resources Management Board is waiting for State Government approval to implement its water plan for the region.
Irrigators face up to 30 per cent cuts to their water usage.
Board general manager Hugo Hopton says there are a lot of people anxiously awaiting the plan.
"Irrigators - whether irrigated agriculture, or processing industry, or the plantation forest industry - do need to know where we're going with
water policy," he said.
$30 million for new national groundwater centre
The Rudd Government today announced a national consortium led by Flinders University will administer $30 million in Australian Government funding for
a new National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training.
Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, and Minister for Innovation and Research, Senator Kim Carr, said the new centre was an
important investment in helping secure Australia's future water supplies.
"In Australia's water management, groundwater has often been overlooked," Senator Wong said while making the announcement at Flinders
"The new National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training will undertake important work to help us manage our groundwater in a more sustainable
The centre will train a new generation of scientists in advanced hydrogeological and related technologies, and improve
our knowledge of groundwater connectivity, policy and management
OK so what does all of this mean?...I will attempt to explain it in laymans terms...
OK the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) up until recently produced somewhere in the vicinity of 40% of Australias fresh food, but now irrigation allocations
on this surface water system have been reduced to miniscule amounts in recent times, 0% in winter and as little as 16-18% in summer in the major food
producing regions of South Australias Riverland, and Sunraysia in Victoria and across the river border in NSW. (See my previous posts in this thread
about the implications of this)
So now, with the MDB food production under control of TPTB, because of "climate change" of is in a state of chaos for food producers who
dont know where they stand...
We still have Groundwater right? WRONG!! We know better by now that these people will leave no stone unturned in the quest for complete food and water
Heres some backgound on groundwater in South-Eastern Australia...
Groundwater also plays a major role in food production in the states of Victoria, SA and NSW, and aquifers containing decent quality water in these
regions also support large amounts of food productions...
this water for the most part isnt as good for irrigation as the surface water in most of the MDB, due to higher NaCl (salt, for those who didnt pay
attention in Chemistry class) and other TDS levels (total dissolved solids)...this results in slightly decreased crop yields vs MDB plantations, but
it is good enough for the most part.
In South Australia alone, although there is approximately over 1.2 Million megalitres of water allocated for irrigation from the Murray River...there
is 650 000 thousand megalitres of GROUNDWATER allocated east and south-east of Adelaide, so you can see that this resource also plays a vital role in
our food production and security.
This and other aquifers also extend into or are present in Victoria and NSW.
All of these aquifers support large scale vegetable, Fruit and Nut production as well as growing feed for animals.
Just but one of many specific examples...operations from the LARGEST potato grower in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE are present in these regions, and have
become ever reliant on this water supply especially since their allocations have been cut in the you get an idea of the scale of some of the
business investment dollars poured into these regions by private food producers.
Now even though some of these aquifers are NOT LINKED IN ANYWAY to the surface water that is the Murray River, they all have recently come to the
attention of "the powers that be", who of course in their infinite kindness, want to "study" and "re-evaluate" water allocations and rules.
OF COURSE, this is all under the guise of helping us, the people, so we have "sustainable water supplies" , and heck most people fall for this "we
the government are trying to help you by spending lots of money on this...see how much money we are spending, it says so on the 6 o'clock
lets all hold hands under the rainbow", as they fall for all the bogus CSIRO and other reports about the MDB and how our great government is
"helping to save it".
What they are really doing is using taxpayers money to help fund research and operations such as water diversions and storage, water buybacks ,
restrictions and exit packages that are either eliminating, shaking out and/or ruining family farms, private food producers, from the smallest, to the
largest which turn over hundreds of millions of dollars, no one is immune to this.
All the while there IS NEVER ANY TALK OF CREATING NEW WATER SUPPLIES for food production in recent times.
Now i have been suspicious for a number of years as to why they didnt start with this groundwater earlier, as they did with the MDB, and i came to the
conclusion that they simply cant, because the subterranean geology is too complex and difficult to map, understand and control (unlike surface water)
and the water levels cannot be manipulated or diverted without GREAT difficulty and much research...
Well along comes the $30 Million dollar groundwater research facility i linked to above, with objectives such as this listed on their website..
"The centre will train a new generation of scientists in advanced hydrogeological and related technologies"
Translated (for me anyway) it reads...WE WANT TO FIGURE OUT HOW THIS SUCKER WORKS AND CONTROL IT, and if we throw enough coin at it, we will figure it
out and own it.
Research facility partners include some of our well known mates such as United Water (USA Corporation KBR Halliburton owned) and others. No suprise
there, they dont even try and hide it, its all right there on all of their websites, i mean why would they, since most of us are stupid sheeple eaters
that dont know any better and the rest are just conspiracy loons right? Halliburton is well and truly entrenched in South Australia, supplying
everything from urban water to all of Adelaide to infrastructure for events such as the Clipsal 500 V8 supercar race and Tour Down Under. Yes even our
so called Aussie v8 race puts money into Halliburtons purse. Thanks, DICK.
Malcolm Turnbull first mentioned this research facility when he was the Water Minister in the previous Howard government as part of their so called
Murray-Darling Basin $10 billion dollar rescue package.
Of course the "Nude erection" (New direction) Rudd government with Penny Wong at the water helm has just picked up where the "other" *ahem*
*cough* government left off.
What will this ultimately lead to?
First up, more groundwater allocation restrictions, the first of which have already begun in South Australias south-east (see the article and link i
posted above) will then spread nationwide as this "new" research centre "tells" us that the previous models of aquifers recharging or aquifer
drawdown levels were "wrong" and the water is now much "scarcer and finite" than previously thought...
After this, well best case scenario...Aussies, get used to eating unregulated Chinese and other sweat shop slave peasant grown food, or possibly food
grown here by TPTB owned companies in these very regions after this big shakeout...
thats if there even will be enough food...maybe they want shortages...maybe they just want to produce it themselves and still keep us "eaters"
around, i dont know which is the case...but what i do know is that there is a big shakeout going on...
Add to this all the businesses that will vanish and go under, as they already are in the MDB, and the associated increase in unemployment and
I know some will view my post as alarmist, those insulated from the goings on in the food producing regions because they are in the city and
Woolworths is still full of food and they watch propaganda like the 6 o'clock news and other food features or shows like Getaway or the ones starring
the likes of Paul Mecurio or other chefs, which is telling them otherwise...that everything is cranking nicely and all crimson and clover...some
serious programming from TPTB to make city people believe that the government is doing all it can do to help with these water and food issues...but
things are going from bad to worse as i actually travel these areas, and the towels are being thrown in left right and centre by food producers, large
and small, who are now becoming aware that they are being enslaved.