posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 12:24 AM
With all the negative things going on in the world, I thought I would share a small thing that happened today.
My mother posted her old refrigerator for sale on craigslist. It took her about 5 minutes before she got her first call, and she made an appt for the
guy to come look at it the next day (which was today). I was on hand to help move the thing into his truck. She wanted $200 (It's easily worth
$200, its a nice fridge) but they ended up settling on 170. He gave her 200 and she went to get him change whilst we moved the fridge to the back of
his truck. We finished up and she gave him his change. I don't know what she was thinking, but she actually handed him his change, plus the
original 200 back on accident. He looked at it and immediately gave her the $200 back. She thanked him obviously and he said, I'm not that kind of
It's really a very minor thing, but it made me feel good to know that people like this are still out there. He could have easily walked away with
her change plus the $200 he gave her, and she would have been none the wiser until he was gone (since she thought she left the 200 in her room). Just
felt the need to post some positive news, all of your fellow man are not scum!