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Adolf Hitler and the Jesuits

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 04:25 PM
I was reading one of the threads Adolf Hitler and the Freemasons although their is no direct link to this we have links with him to the Jesuits and Photos.

After all one of the US presidents told us of WW2 take photos and im glad someone did to show the world of these evil Nazis and evil groups.

I don,t want any name calling anti this or that but to discuss the Photos and the facts presented!

Quote from Hitler

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more.." Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: "Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

Hear is a link Showing of the Closeness of the nazis and the Priests, Bishops, Cardinals.

I'm sure Someone will come up with counter propoganda the same as the Hitler and Freemason thread saying he wasn't a practising Catholic etc but a picture says a thousand words. These pictures certainly do im sure the Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church will have some excuse for their priests doing Nazi salutes, like they got tortured into doing it or something lame.

"I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola" ~Adolf Hitler: "Libres propos" (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164).

Hitler showing his likening his Devout Roman Catholic Mass murdering friend to the founder of the Jesuits a anti-reformation group.

The current pope and his brother were affiliated to Nazis as per the page this would be unthinkable for any other Church in the World to have a leader like this apart from Rome but he will say he got forced into it Bull.

I would like peoples thoughts on the information provided and to determine the close links of the Nazis, Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church.


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Reply to post by orangeman dave

I was reading one of the threads Adolf Hitler and the Freemasons although there is no direct link to this we have links with him to the Jesuits and Photos.

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church.

I'm sure Someone will come up with counter propaganda the same as the Hitler and Freemason thread saying he wasn't a practicing Catholic etc but a picture says a thousand words.

The current pope and his brother were affiliated to Nazis as per the page this would be unthinkable for any other Church in the World to have a leader like this apart from Rome but he will say he got forced into it Bull.

I would like peoples thoughts on the information provided and to determine the close links of the Nazis, Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church. David

This is an interesting topic. Pope Benedict XVI is 7 years older than I. He was17 years old during the last year of the war. I do not know how young the German Army took young men. I understand he was a AAA gunner near his hometown. It may be that kept him out of the Army. In any case, I believe he was a GOOD German which meant he talked the Nazi line whether he believed it or not.

He was ordained a priest in 1951. At age 24, many young men have made it to ordination. With a shortage of priests it is possible the Church had put all applicants on the fast track. There is a very good book explaining how and why so many good German people did such bad things in WW2. “Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War and the Nazi Welfare State” by Gotz Aly. 2005.

When you get these LATE on the scene revelations, I try to imagine the context it which Hitler (or anyone quoted long after the fact) would have been conducting such a conversation. I come up short here. Every war historian on both sides has studied and many have written about Hitler and the era of 1933 to 1945.

Aside: Luck is always part of the picture. In 1933 the Germans choose Hitler, the Americans choose Roosevelt. I am just plain lucky to have been born here.

“When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent; I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent; I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Martin Niemöller

This story reminds me of this older story.

In April 1983, the German news magazine Stern published extracts from what purported to be the diaries of Adolf Hitler, which were subsequently revealed to be forgeries. The magazine had paid 10 million German marks for the sixty small books as well as two "special issues" about Rudolf Hess's flight to the United Kingdom, covering the period from 1932 to 1945.

Stern submitted them for review by a number of experts in World War II history, notably the historians Eberhard Jäckel and Gerhard Weinberg. The diaries were declared by these experts to be authentic, and Stern began an international auction process for serialisation- and publication-rights.[

[Famed British] historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, was convinced of their authenticity: "I am now satisfied that the documents are authentic; that the history of their wanderings since 1945 is true; and that the standard accounts of Hitler's writing habits, of his personality and, even, perhaps, of some public events, may in consequence have to be revised."

However, [by] April 25, 1983, doubts had begun to emerge about their authenticity. Within two weeks the Hitler Diaries were revealed by Dr Julius Grant as being "grotesquely superficial fakes" made on modern paper using modern ink and full of historical inaccuracies. "Some point out that the most obvious fakery was the monogram on the title page reading 'FH' instead of 'AH' (for Adolf Hitler) - Content had been largely copied from a book of Hitler's speeches with additional 'personal' comments. [Noted World War Two] historian Hugh Trevor-Roper's reputation was seriously damaged.

The diaries were actually written by Konrad Kujau, a notorious Stuttgart forger. Both he and Heidemann went to trial in 1985 and were each sentenced to 42 months in prison.

[edit on 3/9/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 05:09 PM
Good reply my friend, i thought their would be more people with opinions on this subject trying to discredit what i have said or posted.

Obviously you cant argue with the pictures their's no denying the obvious links between the groups, Jesuit priests double up as Nazi murderers Shame on them.


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:20 AM
Reply to post by orangeman dave

Good reply my friend, I thought their would be more people with opinions on this subject trying to discredit what I have said or posted. Obviously you cant argue with the pictures their's no denying the obvious links between the groups, Jesuit priests double up as Nazi murderers Shame on them. David

Although I love Catholics - my family for example - I have never loved the Catholic Church. I have attended more masses than I care to count, however lately it has been over a year since the last time. As an accommodation to my family. I ate the once-a-month Friday fish dinner at my local Catholic Church this past Friday, for example. Over the years I have seen the Irish and American clerics grow ever the more liberal. I have also seen the Hispanic priests we have here in Florida remain fixed to pre-War 2 doctrines. Man on top, woman on bottom. It is a cultural thing.

I still recall hearing a 5th or 6th grade boy from the Catholic parochial school yelling “Christ Killer” to my Jewish friend as we walked home from our public school. 1944-1945. I have never read the Baltimore Catechism so I cannot say if that accusation is made there or not, but I can assure you I have known many Catholics and all of them agree - or admit - the nuns taught that charge of regicide all during their elementary schooling.

My ranking of the 3 major orders of the CC is this: Dominicans are the jack-boot types. They would beat you into submission were it not for the law. Franciscans are the sly types who would prefer to trick you into submission. Jesuits are the brainy types who would try to use trier own special brand of involuted logic to convince you into submission. However it is done, you still end up submitted!

To your argument the two relevant popes are: 1) Pope Pius XI (1857 - 1939), born Ambrogio Ratti, reigned as Pope from February 6, 1922, and as sovereign of Vatican City from its creation as an independent state on February 11, 1929 until his death on February 10, 1939. 2) Pope Pius XII, born Eugenio Giovanni Pacelli (1876 -1958), reigned as pope and head of the Roman Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City, from March 2, 1939 until his death in 1958.

There is not one American in 1,000 who knows or understands (or gives a dam) of the significance of the phrase “ . . and sovereign of Vatican City . . “ Or who knows the significance of the first Vatican Council of 1877, or the importance of the Lantern Treaty of 1929. That by the way, was the best thing that happened to the Catholic Church since Martin Luther. That treaty got Il Duce Benito Mussolini excommunicated for his trouble. “May he forever roast in hell!” Hail Mary! Full of grace!

Catholic Dictators. António de Oliveira Salazar, (1888 - 1970) served as the Prime Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968. He founded and led the Estado Novo ("New State"), the authoritarian, right-wing government that presided over and controlled Portugal from 1932 to 1974. He one of the Church’s most faithful and of whom the Church ordered the Portugese to give obedience. An example of a faithful Catholic ruler!

Francisco Franco de Andrade (1892 - 1975), more commonly known as Franco, was the dictator and Head of State of Spain from October 1936, and de facto regent of the nominally restored Kingdom of Spain from 1947 until his death in 1975. His rule was known for a focus on Spanish nationalism, right wing and traditional values. “Traditional values?” Say Hello, the Catholic Church. Women on bottom, men on top. Again, Franco was one more darling of the papacy.

Of all the dozen or so fascist dictators of the 1930s-40s, including Herr Hitler, with none of whom did the Catholic Church ruling hierarchy find fault! [Odd sentence structure!] It is true a few priests were put in German concentration camps BUT NOT ONE German bishop or cardinal was punished or inconvenienced by Der Fuhrer!

History. The last two Europan countries to become politically unified were Italy and Germany. The unification of Germany took place on January 18, 1871, when Otto von Bismarck, called the "Iron Chancellor" and the official Minister-President of Prussia, managed to unify independent German states into a nation-state, and thus create the German Empire. Debate still continues whether or not Bismarck had a master-plan to unify Germany or whether he aimed simply to expand the power of Prussia. (Prussia is gone now, taken over by Poland and the Russian Federation after WW2).

Italian Unification was the political and social movement that annexed different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of Italy in the middle of the 19th century. The Catholic Church fought Italian unification until 1929 when Mussolini ended that over long struggle with the imposition of the Lantern Treaty mentioned above. For more reading see “Papal States.”

Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807 - 1882) was an Italian politician who figured prominently in Italian unification. At age 22, he joined the Carbonari Italian patriots. He is considered an Italian national hero. He has been dubbed the "Hero of the Two Worlds" in tribute to his military expeditions in both South America and Europe.

Aside: Garibaldi left New York for the last time in November 1853. The cottage on Staten Island where he stayed during 1851-1853 is listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places and is preserved as the Garibaldi Memorial.

Unlike Americans, Europeans fully understand the workings of the Catholic Church. They have lived with it as a cultural thing for 1,500 years. (I date the CC from 476 AD. See Gibbon's magnum opus). It has been their struggle from 1517 until 1945 to FREE themselves from the joint domination of political dictators and intolerant Catholic theology. And I should add SELF SERVING to that theology.

Although there had always been protesters to Rome, it was not until England’s Henry VIII made protest legitimate that it began to roll! 1538. And his most gracious daughter, the first Queen Elizabeth! To who we owe a debt eternal for making religious tolerance a matter for the state. (Well, a Scotsman may not be so enamored with the English monarchs).

Cathars. I like the Cathars. Although neither the first nor last, they were probably the best organized and most influential of all the dissenters to Roman dogma. Catharism was a name given to a Christian religious sect with dualistic and gnostic elements that appeared first in the Languedoc region of France in the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Like many medieval movements, there were various schools of thought and practice amongst the Cathari; some were dualistic, others Gnostic, some closer to orthodoxy while abstaining from an acceptance of Catholic doctrines.

We who protest must commemorate their memory by calling to mind the most famous event in their history. Pope Innocent III - how inappropriately he had named himself - sent his papal legate Arnaud-Amaury, then the Abbot of Cîteaux, to wage war on the Cathars. The town of Béziers was besieged on 22 July 1209. The Catholic inhabitants of the city were granted the freedom to leave unharmed, but many refused and opted to stay and fight alongside their lifetime neighbors who were also Cathars.

Abbot Arnaud is supposed to have been asked how to tell Béziers Cathars from the Catholics. The abbot’s reply "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius," translated to "Kill them all, God will recognize His own."

The doors of the church of St Mary Magdalene were broken down and the refugees dragged out and slaughtered. Over 7,000 people died there including many women and children. A precursor of the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572 also in France.

A popular though as yet unsubstantiated theory holds that a small party of Cathar perfects escaped from the fortress before the massacre at ‘prat des cramats.’ It is widely held in the Cathar region to this day that the escapees took with them ‘le tresor cathar.’ What this treasure consisted of has been a matter of considerable speculation: claims range from sacred Gnostic texts to the Cathars' accumulated wealth. See Dan Brown’s “Di Vinci Code.”

I started out to say the 2 relevant popes both found Hitler quite acceptable. After all, killing Jews was consistent with the Church naming Jews as “Christ killers!” Just retribution you might say. Or “GOD moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!” Wm. Cowper, (1731-1800).

[edit on 3/11/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:00 PM
I saw on a history channel program something like "nazis and the occult" that while Hitler was seizing power some of his propaganda was directed against fraternal organizations specifically the freemasons, He saw them as a threat and eventually them and other organizations were not allowed to meet in Nazi germany.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by mannyGstein 22

I saw on a history channel program something like "Nazis and the occult" that while Hitler was seizing power some of his propaganda was directed against fraternal organizations specifically the freemasons, He saw them as a threat and eventually them and other organizations were not allowed to meet in Nazi Germany.

Yes, I agree with what you say. Hitler was a maniacal person who was ultimately beguiled by his own propaganda. like it or not, the Holocaust would not have been possible IMO had it not have been for 1,000 years of slamming Jews as "Christ Killer" from the German pulpits.

To their good credit, the Germans are working very hard to see this never happens again in their country. We cannot claim the same for the Japanese.

Hitler was born a Catholic and as such had his baptism, communion and confirmation. But I believe he lost his religion in World War 1. The problem the Catholic Church faced - hierarchy wise not practices wise - was that fascism looked to be the wave of the future. And the Holy Mother Church wants nothing more than to be associated with the winners. How do you think it has lasted so long?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:14 PM
Good topic and thanks donwhite for your usual well-thought and information-rich posts.

As I look back on history, it becomes clear to me that:

1: Jesuits conspired to kill Abe Lincoln after he defended Chiniquay. Assasins like Booth were all romanists as was the majority of the South either romanist or somehow religiously enabled.

2: Sigmund Freud's book on Moses and Akhenaten was written in 1937 and his allusion that Hebraism and Hebrew blood came from Akhenaten (kinda like a pre-Davnci code) was what really irked the Catholics who see themselves as the heir to Akhenaten (they grandiosly display his Grandfather's obelisk in their main court) so they had to initiate the Great Inquisiton aka WW2.

And that's it. That's the real history. They got pissed at Freud's book and that was that. WW2 was a struggle for the handlebars of the Pharonic history and also the spiritual pivot of Earth.

Also Himmler's uncle was a Jesuit wasn't he?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by orangeman dave
I was reading one of the threads Adolf Hitler and the Freemasons

I laugh every time I see that thread.
Hitler was one of the most anti-Freemasonic individuals in history. Yet, some try to link him to them.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by donwhite

I have wondered about that. I know 2 German families that came to the US after WW2. Perfect citizens. Totally reliable. Their word in their bond. Helpful to neighbors, charitable to strangers. One family is Catholic the other is Lutheran. Both entirely honest. And SAVING money is the first item in their budget. After any use of a tool, it is throughly cleaned, oiled and replaced in its proper location. And etc. Both served in the Wehrmacht. One served on the dreaded Eastern Front and the other served first in Africa then in France.

I have just finished a book that explains this phenomenon. It is “Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War and the Nazi Welfare State” by Gotz Aly. 2005. I recommend it to anyone still interested in Nazi Germany.

[edit on 3/11/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:26 PM
Hi Don and thanks for taking time to reply in detail to the thread. I enjoyed reading your posts to say the least.

Can i ask a question of you being Born and Bread a Roman Catholic do you believe their is a link between The Roman Catholic Church/Jesuits and the Nazis.

I get called an Anti-Catholic when i post threads on this subject, but it would be good to hear a Roman Catholic defending me for once and saying it how it is.

Many Thanks David

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Reply to post by orangeman dave

Can I ask a question of you being Born and Bread a Roman Catholic do you believe their is a link between The Roman Catholic Church/Jesuits and the Nazis. I get called an Anti-Catholic when I post threads on this subject, but it would be good to hear a Roman Catholic defending me for once and saying it how it is. Many Thanks David

By a quirk at birth, my parents being ill and me being placed with an aunt, and then all my family being converted to Catholicism but not me, I do not have the cultural background to give the best possible answer to your question. I go to church infrequently with my relatives usually at Christmas and Easter for the benefit of family togetherness. For my self I am non-religious and never on my own accord attend any church, synagogue or mosque. If GOD will leave me alone, I will leave HIM alone.

I do offer this however. I’d say, based on personal experience, that most Catholics under age 50 do more thinking on their own than any Catholics before. It is nothing for a Catholic person to withhold their contribution to make a statement. Before that, the parish usually collected the donations in signed envelopes and if there was a shortfall, the priest would call you in to explain. Not today.

Now, as to Hitler and the Jesuits. No one in Germany could help but have dealings with the government in a number of areas. It is not necessarily a conspiracy to get your ration card renewed. Or to get your identification renewed. Or to buy train tickets and etc. Germans are about 30% Catholic. A higher percentage in Bavaria and Austria.

Public officials would naturally be extra nice to a man of the cloth. That might look like favoritism but it is not necessarily collaboration. I’m saying a lot to say this. At the highest levels the Catholic Church was more interested in protecting itself and to be in the right position if Hitler won the war. I don’t think that filtered down to the lower levels, however.

Now the Jesuits do have a bad reputation. It is a boasted fact the Jesuits stole the silk worm from China and brought it to Italy. It is also a fact the Jesuits stole the secret cotton dying methodology first developed in India and gave it to the Roman church. But that was before the 1773 dissolution of the Jesuits. See Note 1. That is about all I can offer.

Note 1. Cries against the Jesuits rose louder and louder until on this day July 21, 1773, Pope Clement XIV dissolved the order completely. It had already been abolished in France and Spain. Clement refused to condemn the Society but merely noted he was making an administrative move for the peace of the church.

The effect of the suppression was hurtful for the Roman church, for it shut down much mission work and many schools. Some Jesuits were allowed to remain in existence. In 1814 the Society was restored.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

Good topic and thanks donwhite for your usual well-thought and information-rich posts. As I look back on history, it becomes clear to me that: 1: Jesuits conspired to kill Abe Lincoln after he defended Chiniquay.

Thanks for the kind words, Mr S/P. It seems all too many of our super tragic moments are so mucked up by the by-standers that after th fact it is neigh on to impossible to know what happened or who did what. On Chiniquay, see this link:

[edit on 3/11/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Didn't the church sign a Concordat with Hitler? Anyone know anything about this?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
Thanks for the kind words, Mr S/P. It seems all too many of our super tragic moments are so mucked up by the by-standers that after th fact it is neigh on to impossible to know what happened or who did what.

It is not hard to identify those who burn libraries or sit on them, locked and denied to the people.

On Chiniquay, see this link:

Thanks! These quotes are not all his but from his book, Fifty Years in the Catholic Church. This quote seems to support my simple theory:

The Rt. Rev. Foley, Bishop of Chicago on December 30, 1880 translated the following law and swore before the court of Kankakee that it was promulgated by St. Thomas Aquinas as an unchangeable law of the church of Rome.

"Though heretics must not be tolerated because they deserve it, we must bear with them, till, by a second admonition, they may be brought back to the faith of the church. But those who, after a second admonition, remain obstinate in their errors, must not only be excommunicated, but they must be delivered to the secular power to be exterminated." St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia, Vol. iv. p. 90.

Isn't it funny how much of Luther's writings are scatological? Personally I do not find him to be inspiring at all. Also perhaps Freud might have been able to psycholanalyze Hitler and in fact dissect him? Yes, Luther and Hitler seem to occupy the same place in my classification of historical personalities. Am I wrong?

Freud died just as WW2 began, and right after he'd written his scandalous book which claimed the (at least the temporal-psychological) right to the lineage of Thutmosis IV aka the Dreaming Pharaoh who placed the dream Stela betwen the paws of the Sphinx and whose granddaughter, Tiye, became the grandmother of Nefertiti's daughters and mother to the greatest religious revolution of the last 3500 years.

The Pope has stolen and displayed Thutmosis IV's obelisk, and this is the Pharaoh who elevated Joseph (who is actually Yuya) "over all of Egypt" and this is where Moses comes in, etc.

Freud may have only hinted that Moses and Akhenaten had perhaps attended the same temple but these were Heliopilans and so also the Pope is an self-styled Heliopilan and he couldn't accept that (or rather the Jesuits couldn't) as we see the Jesuits have usurped the Pope and they serve the black sun, the opposite of what Akhenaten had intended. Secrecy and underground temples were what Akhenaten had sought to destroy.

Akhenaten still venerated the Ben-Ben pyramid which had been at the center of the Heliopilan temple and moved it to his temple. At the top of the Obelisk of Thutmosis IV and atop all obelisks, is a ben ben stone.

Seen in this light, that of Pharonic Power, one can see the struggle for the Sun itself. For the Jesuits serve a black sun while Hitler himself turned the swastika (a holy symbol) into the opposite of harmony.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Their must be a link between the Vatican/Jesuits and the Nazis the usual posters on this forum don't seem to be defending the Mother Church now, strange indeed.

Thank god for the American president i cant remember exactly who but he said of ww2 take pictures so their can be no denying!

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:01 PM
We wouldn't even know a lot of this if not for the Amarna letters, truly a divine event was their finding, but certainly like a seed buried in time, uncovered at the appointed time?


Thutmose IV's rule is significant because he was the New Kingdom pharaoh who established peaceful relations with Mitanni and married a Mitannian princess to seal this new alliance. Thutmose IV's role in initiating contact with Egypt's former rival, Mitanni, is documented by Amarna letter EA 29 composed decades later by Tushratta, a Mittanian king who ruled during the reign of Akhenaten, Thutmose IV's grandson. Tushratta states to Akhenaten that:

“ When [Menkheperure], the father of Nimmureya (ie. Amenhotep III) wrote to Artatama, my grandfather, he asked for the daughter of my grandfather, the sister of my father. He wrote 5, 6 times, but he did not give her. When he wrote my grandfather 7 times, then only under such pressure, did he give her. (EA 29)[16]

Peace versus war? Is it that simple? Well, as we see with Bernie Madoof, there can be a lot of complicated mathematics covering a whole lotta nuthin.

These subjects are not old, i.e. Romish power over Mosaic power and collaboration betwixt the two. One side sells some out, the other has sympathy for the slain, etc, and so on...


Therefore, it is assumed that Babatha was near Ein Gedi in 132 CE, placing her in the midst of the Bar Kokhba's revolt. It is likely that Babatha fled with Miriam and her family from the imminent violence of the revolt. Because the documents were never retrieved and because twenty skeletal remains were found nearby, historians have suggested that Babatha perished while taking refuge in the cave.

This guy Bar Kokhba was an interesting fellow, claimed to be a son of David, but quite the warlord, eh? Half a million dead? These people were of course making similar claims back to the Thutmosis/Amarna era which had been destroyed/hidden and has now been revealed for our modern age via the tombs of Yuya and Tut, the Amarna Letters, etc.

The key here is that, A: Akhenaten had been erased from history, and B: The Ptolemites all claimed the Pharonic Power and so there was a struggle back then also, round about Jesus' time.

So this betrays a crucial truth: If the Amarna events (and subsequent famine and brief Ramsite final gasp of Egypt) had actually not been erased in the people's minds via the damnation-erasing applied to Nefertititi's family, then her whole line of princesses, i.e. Nefertiti's daughters, who had been dispersed to the four ends of the Earth, would still be in people's minds.

Can you see the template for peaceful civilization left by Thutmosis IV and also his ancestor Tiye and her son Akhenaten? Now why do you think the poor and historically knowledgable people of Jesus' day laid out palm branches as he rode in on a donkey? Where does this peaceful hippie messiah compete with the later, hack-n-slash messiah?

It was this damned female-Pharonic power, peaceful in nature and connected to the rising and falling of the Nile Fertility truths which the Romans needed to crush or at least usurp. With the ending of the Davidic bloodline and the closure of Jerusalem for all Jews around 139 or so, anno dom.

wiki\Bar Kokhba's Revolt

But what's really interesting is the rising of Sirius around this time, and also the subtlties associated therewith:

as the content of the "De Die Natali" of Censorinus testifies : "The beginnings of these eras are always taken from the first day of that month whose name among the Egyptians is Thoth, which day in the current year was vii kalends July (= June 25) and which 100 years ago [in 139 AD Julian] under the second consulate of the emperor Antonius the Pius and that of Bruttius Praesens fell on xiii kalends August (= July 20), at which time the Dog-star (Sirius) was accustomed to rise in Egypt. Thus, we see that we are today in the 100th year of that Great Year (Era) which, as has been said above, is called "Solar Year", "Year of the Dog-star", and the "Year of god"."

Censorinus effectively deduced from the fact that at his time, that is to say, in 239 AD, the civil date Thoth 1 fell on vii kalends July (June 25), that some 100 years earlier, that is to say, in 139 AD, it must have fallen on xiii kalends August (July 20). The use of the software allowing to determine the day of heliacal rising of any star visible with the naked eye indicates that the heliacal rising of Sirius occurred on July, the 20th, 139 AD, at Memphis. No other Egyptian place effectively fulfils this temporal criteria, which proves that Censorinus refers to the memphite sighting of this celestial event.

So we see that Censorinus used the mephite latitude for his (and his is the supposed earliest reliable) date of Sirius rising in 139 AD... I wonder if there is a connection between the second revolt of the Pharaonic/Judean forces (Bar Kokhba)against the Pharonic/Greek/Roman forces? If the Roman gods hold the trophy of the peaceloving Pharaoh, then who is to blame for the lack of world peace?

I say yes, this trail I am sketching will produce results and the results I am seeking is the compleat opening of all hidden libraries before they are burned.

And when did Sothis rise next? Well the Egyptian calendar was used by Napolean (a month of three ten-day weeks) and one sothic year (139ad plus 1461 more trips round the Sun) on the memphite-latitiude takes us to 1600ad. Now from an Illuminated/Disney prespective, everyone knows whose star rose with Sothi-memphis in 1600 right?


Of course since that moment we have a world of Corpor-ations based on Napoleaonic Law. But Age of Industry is nothing to do with the Rome versus Judea, is it?

"Work Makes You Free", indeed...

The main human attribute that corporations lack is a soul, as Roger Manwood, chief baron of the Exchequer, noted as early as 1592. Since the corporations themselves, and not their souls, were immortal, they were not held accountable to the moral standards that applied to individual people. "Corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed," wrote the great English legalist Edward Coke, "for they have no soul." Or as English lawyer Howel Walsh put it, "a corporation cannot blush." Thus the corporations' moral inadequacy amounted to a significant legal advantage, one of many they have accrued.

In fact, special dispensations, exemptions, and privileges of every kind imaginable are the life's blood of the corporation. Corporate members enjoyed various privileges during Roman times, such as curial immunity, and organizational privileges are evident as early as 628 A.D. in the ecclesiastic orders of the Catholic Church, the first great corporations of the post-Roman era. Modern English and French law traces the secular corporation to the concept of "franchise," which is the French Norman word for privilege.

Over the centuries, these privileges have been nurtured, entrenched, and expanded. You can get some idea of this corporate favoritism when you realize that no American corporation was indicted -- let alone convicted -- for murder until 1978. Criminal law is really a sidelight, though. The place where corporations enjoy their biggest advantage is tax law. During the height of the Reagan era, 50 of the largest business corporations in America avoided paying any federal income tax. In many ways, modern corporations are analogous to the aristocracy of the ancien regime.

I think the next Sothi-Memphic rising, in 3061 (presumably) will see a different world with a non-corporate Pharaonic Power. I personally think that Sirius was observed from BOTH Heliopolis and Memphis during the 18th dynasty depending on who was in charge. Similarly there would be a Sothi-Heliopilic date also and there fore the template of the sothic cycle must be fluid based on who has the handlebars, Memphis (Amun night-lovers) or Heliopolis (Aten) or more deceitfully, the anti-Atenists aka Black Sun). One can see the anti-Atenist thinking in the burkha as well as the cassock. Nefertititi, however, let it all hang out, and for that, I think she's wonderful.

In my feeble few years of historical rock-turning, I think now that it comes down to a very simple question: Does the day begin when the sun rises (Atenist), or when it sets (Amunist)?

Different religious leaders will have different answers to my question above. I like Freud better than either of the Hegelian priestly answers because he was able to explain a deeper truth better than any priest. His answer was: "I do not care, except for what happens during when the human is sleeping"

See Freud understood that it matters not when your day begins or if you are awake all night or awake all day: What matters is what happens when you dream.

Anyway, yeah, there's enough clues here and I guess this is the real ouchy-funny-bone of history because the more I talk about it, the quieter the room gets. This happens in my actual life also. People think I am crazy, but I just like rivers a lot and I care not if the river is the Nile or the Sacramento. They all rise and fall in their own way, but it wasn't until the 1600 rising of Sothis, that the rivers themselves, began to become stopped up.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

I have been asked a lot what the star Sirius has to do with Masonry/secret societies and I am at a loss.

I have also read the the Washington Monument was designed so that Sirius would have been directly above it at some point in July 1776 (although it wasn't built yet).

It seems that almost all esoteric and mystic philosophy originated in Egypt. Why was this?


Very interesting indeed!


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