posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Well that's exactly what people have been doing, and it's working, despite the scare campaign.
If you look carefully at recent Democratic gains, you'll find that many of the new Democrats are of the "Blue Dog Democrat" variety, and that most
of them are gun control opponents.
This is not by accident, this is part of the Democratic Party's strategy, especially since Howard Dean (another pro-gun Dem) took the chairmanship of
the DNC. The gun control advocates are becoming increasingly marginalized in the party, because without the gun control issue dogging Kerry (and his
lame response) he probably would have won the 2004 election, it was so close that gun rights advocates probably made the difference.
Even Democrats who may be gun control advocates, like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, realize that gun control is an issue on which they have lots of
votes to lose, and few to gain.
The anti-gun lobby saw it's heyday during the Clinton administration, since then it's all been downhill for them, as most Americans are starting to
wake up to the fact that gun control laws have had no impact on gun crime (except arguably to make the problem worse.)
The SCOTUS Heller case put the final nail in the gun-banner's coffin, IMO, because I doubt they will ever have the support to pass a minor law
like the AWB, let what they really want: a total ban on individual gun ownership. Which, now that the Supreme Court has finally stated the obvious -
that the Second protects an individual right - would require a Constitutional Amendment.
[edit on 3/9/09 by xmotex]