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You call this "Change", Mr President?

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:55 AM
The pain we are all feeling is very real, and the situation is as dire as any of us, or our grandparents, have ever seen. The future of our once-mighty nation - once rooted firmly on the rock-solid foundations of liberty and self-sufficiency, is now perched on the ever shifting sands of fear. The freedoms and powers that were once freely granted to the citizens of this country have now been bestowed upon the corporations and the elite.

These tribulations are not to be placed at the premium-leather clad feet of President Obama, nor are they to be rested in the legacy of Bush. Instead - they are the fruits of a system that has been broken for decades. A system that, by design, can only produce "leaders" that are cut from the same cloth with the same thinly-veiled interests at their hearts.

Those interests do not rest with their eyes on the well-being of America's people. They do not protect her old, her weak, her hard-working, or her children. They have little regard for liberty, freedom, and the rights our forefathers fought, bled and died for. By the thousands.

Instead - the eyes of our leaders are firmly focused on protecting those that need it least.

You call this "HOPE", Mr. President?

I urge you to take a look around.

Every day our once-bright future in the "Land of Opportunity" is growing dimmer. The scales of justice, once tilted firmly in-favor of the people, are sliding more and more towards inequality and tyranny. The once-secure retirement funds we were encouraged to invest in are now gutted, decimated, and stolen by the very people that prodded us to utilize them. The "American Dream" we grew-up believing in is turning out to be nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. Banks are insolvent and the Government-run insurance company - the FDIC - is nearing bankruptcy.

This is what you call "CHANGE", Mr. President?

Our freedoms - the very rights that required the lives of thousands to secure - are all but a distant memory. The freedom to assemble is no more - the casualty of "National Security". The freedom of the press is no more - a by-product of the "War on Terror". The freedom to choose between natural and biologically engineered foods, foods that have been scientifically-proven to kill - is now being culled due to "Safety". The Right to Bear Arms has long been under attack - and now that is widely expected to be severely curtailed, if not outright abandoned. Our e-mails are being monitored. Our phone calls are being screened. Our bank accounts and spending habits are being watched. Even the books we check-out from the library are being catalogued.

Is this what you call a "Fresh Start", Mr. President?

I look around me and I see pain. I see despair. I see desperation. Hunger. Isolation. Fear. Above all - I see anger. An anger that is getting stronger by the day. Along with that anger is an untapped underlying strength and will of the American people to do whatever it takes to get our once-proud nation back on the road to prosperity.

And when I say "Whatever it takes" - I mean just that.




Mr. President and other elected "Leaders" - your days are numbered. The people of the nation have grown weary of the lies and the games. If you poke a lion in the eye enough times - you WILL get bitten, and the lion that is the American people is getting restless and I can guarantee that this lion is stronger than any you've ever imagined.

(Continued below...)

[edit on 9-3-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:55 AM
What the United States needs now are leaders who are capable of not only seeing the problems, but making the hard decisions that are now necessary. Decisions that are VITAL for the very survival of our Union. America needs leaders that have the capacity for cutting into the very muscle of our government to root-out the cancer of corruption.

I speak for many of you on this board when I say that I don't see a SINGLE PERSON in Washington that is capable of making those decisions.

We are getting close to a new day, and that new day will call on the un-tapped resources of the PEOPLE to take back what is our birthright granted to us by the likes of Thomas Jefferson.

Why am I posting this here? Because I know of no other avenue that has the potential to reach other patriots who are willing to sign-on and spread the word. What are you signing on to, exactly? I haven't a clue.

However, the longest journey starts with the first step - and I hope that's what this can be a part of.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:31 PM
Good points! I agree that we should fully expect any change of administration to 100% turn around the economy, after they they the week of the plane as both wings are on fire, as it plummets towards the ground. I mean cripes, they've had FIFTY DAYS already!

At least you gave him a fair chance!

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Obama kept his promise! I have "Change" - about $1.72 to be exact - in nickles, dimes and pennies. That was the total amount that I received from his stimulus. Thank you President Soetoro!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Good points! I agree that we should fully expect any change of administration to 100% turn around the economy, after they they the week of the plane as both wings are on fire, as it plummets towards the ground. I mean cripes, they've had FIFTY DAYS already!

At least you gave him a fair chance!

Please re-read the posting. I wasn't casting stones at Obama, Bush or anyone other than the system that keeps churning out our 'leaders'.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Im still waiting for Obama to step up to the plate. He looks like a deer caught in headlights! I bet it was a reality check for him and then some.
I've noticed since his pre-presidential speaches to current speaches, he is not quite as confident, and the look in his eye's have changed.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Darth Logan
Im still waiting for Obama to step up to the plate. He looks like a deer caught in headlights! I bet it was a reality check for him and then some.
I've noticed since his pre-presidential speaches to current speaches, he is not quite as confident, and the look in his eye's have changed.

This is amazing, have you noticed that obama always seems to be giving speeches even if it is in an atmosphere of casual conversation? It seems to me obama is in the speech mode of still campaigning for office? Is the office of Presidency so overwhelming to obama that he is having a hard time coping with the work load? The majority of people voted for change but I think they did not realize how drastic and quick a change to the far left he would take this country.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:12 PM
I'm going to give him a year before I join up the anti Obama crowd. However, it does seem like he has lost a step or two. I think he may have underestimated the job. I think Bush did to, that is a large part of why we are where we are today. President Obama needs to step up a little bit or we may get to a point of no return.

I think Senator McCain was right when he told us that President Obama wouldn't have the luxury of on the job training. Thats why I said that in four years President Obama would be ready, there is to much going on right now for someone with his lack of experiance.

All we can do now is hope he leads us in the right direction and call him out when he isn't.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by shrike071

I don't remember what it was that got me listed as your Foe, but with this thread you created, we are obviously on the same track.
Alex Jones just released the new movie, has the same tone, like most of us with our head not in the sand.

Good will to you. S & F

Now for "fleabit", what are you going to wait until the 2 year mark?

Should I come to your cardboard box, or the Fema camp to ask you then?
Seriously, How can you sit there an deny that he has kept his promises?

If we "give him a chance" in your relative terms, we will be done for. If you think the President runs the country, then you are totally clueless.
Maybe you should do some research, try starting with a History lesson starting at about 1913 and go from there.
You could go back to 1776 in Germany, but that would be too much to swallow.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 05:08 PM
And now we have the possibility of forced-service for our children to add to this mix. The bill in-question isn't talking about a military draft, but a civic one.

Link to ATS thread

NEITHER of which are palatable to me, as a parent.

Also add to this the recent revelations of Obama looking into having our wounded vets pay for their own care, from their own insurance....

I am sorry. I voted for this man.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by shrike071

He's been President for all of 8 weeks!! He's already done more than Bush did in 8 years too. Lighten up. Washington is a giant beast and nobody is going to make fundamental change in a few weeks folks. It's sucks but that is the reality. Remember, Obama has a lot of power right now but it isn't unlimited and he has to govern, which means compromises. It's called being an adult in the real world.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:26 AM
So here we are - 6 months after the original posting of my screed.... it seems that my original message is even more relevant today than it was when it was written.


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