posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 05:06 PM
You know Branty, I don't often agree with your posts, but this one definately has some merit. As to the posters that think that our (USA)
over-bloated health care system is the wonder of wonders, well, you all need to seriously wake up. People talking about under-paid doctors, but don't
tell you how much? What exactly constitutes 'underpaid'? LESS THAN 6 figures a year? Gimme a break. If anything, most doctors are OVER paid. Alot of
folks don't become doctors to help people, they become doctors to make money, which is ridiculously backwards. Don't get me wrong, nothing bad in
making a buck, but priorities are reversed when it comes to heath care folks. I really dislike dealing with any medical 'professionals' because they
just don't care. PERIOD. Tell me your woes, sign the paper, take this script, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. As for folks
not wanting to pay into a universal health care system, what the hell is wrong with you people? No one wants to help anyone else anymore. Screw that
guy over there! What has he done for ME lately?! Geez, can you see how you people sound? It is sickening that no one wants to take care of their
neighbors anymore, there's no sense of community anymore, everyone is out for what they can get, 'cause you KNOW that big ass flat screen TV they
just got is WAY more important that that guy over there dying from cancer...