posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Something I'm not convinced of here is how the con trail and the "supposed" shuttle plume are so separate from each other. The con trail IS the
shuttle plume. Also, I don't ever recall seeing a shuttle plume take such a formation looking so much like a cloud. In this article it said that this
cloud formed from the shuttle became a "mother of pearl" cloud which is supposed to be a rarity as the article states. Well, if that's the case
then how could such a rare cloud be made by a shuttle? That's even more absurd! I think the real reason is out there it's just that we will never
find out through the regular media....
Here's another pic someone took all the way down in Miami of the same cloud:
External image
As you can see in this photo the cloud wasn't even present, just like what I also saw.... for a while.... no cloud:
External image
[edit on 17-3-2009 by dawnslight]