posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 07:05 AM
Hello everyone and mods,
I just signed up for a new account after laying dormant for several years whole still being an avid reader of the boards. I'm not familiar how
suggestions are intended to be presented so I'll just give it a go:
I was wondering if a sub-forum could be created that would discuss the implications of scientific journals/university publications/reputable new
articles/visual and physical evidence on alternative topics. These more "mainstream" sources could directly deal with fringe topics (i.e
Princeton's old consciousness studies, parapsychology, etc) or indirectly deal with fringe topics (i.e. new research that perhaps increases the
feasibility of conspiracy/alternative theories). I just get the feeling from the boards these days that some members are interested in more
intelligent/focused discussions of the topics on these boards, and are being held back by posts that add nothing to the conversation or contain wrong
information. A sub-forum that introduced at least a certain level of traceability would allow topics and ideas to "move along" faster and go more in
depth. (In my opinion)
I know finding information on these topics can be challenging sometimes, but we would all benefit from each-others efforts if we were able to
centralize this info. Doesn't anyone else get a bit angry when they open a thread titled: "Definitive PROOF of (yadayad)," only to find an
individual's opinion on a certain topic?
Let me know what you guys think think about this....I personally think it'd be cool
Later all!
(feel free to move this topic if this isn't the best place)
[edit on 7-3-2009 by Electromotivation]