posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Rams9
I see what you mean... The gov cant shut down every site that brings up points against them. But also, its not like ATS is just some random site.
This site is one of the predominant sites on every conspiracy subject
It may be predominant, but it is not the only one.
The difference is that ATS contains many different subjects of controversy, where as on other forum sites, they tend to focus on specific
controversies. Those sites are under more scrutiny than ATS would be.
One might think that with a plethora of subjects that a site with such diverse controversial subjects would be the one to watch. Not necessarily.
Discussions in a diverse subject content forum are blended and varying, where as site forums on specific topics are far more focused and far more in
Popularity has nothing to do with a site being subject to being monitored by government. In other words, it is not quantity, but content quality, and
those sites specific to a given controversy tend to contain far more quality than quantity of membership.
Its not saying that ATS is not of quality, it is quality. But it is also a lot of quantity of varying subjects that more often than not, tend to get
drifted off topic to one degree or another, eventually ending with threads going into the dark abyss of forgotten discussions.