posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Lets get real, as long as there is government you are going to pay taxes.
Would you rather your tax money be put back into society, or would you rather the gov use it for black projects and stuff that we will never benefit
If we didn't live under a system that puts personal wealth before the wealth of the community, as a whole, we wouldn't have to pay taxes to keep
people from starving on our streets.
While under capitalism you will always have to have some form of welfare, which btw is only about 2% of the budget. It would be nice if capitalism
supplied good paying work for all but it doesn't, due to it's very nature.
BTW 50% of your taxes go to the military, in one form or another, but I guess invading and occupying foreign countries is far more important then
taking care of our own victims of this system...
Edit; Of course the gov has it's 'own' money. Do you think it takes those taxes and just spends them? Of course not, those taxes are invested
before they're ever spent on anything. Even your local city gov does that. When a project, such as road improvement, is financed that money will be
invested, and returned in profit, long before the project commences. That's why the process always takes so long.
[edit on 3/6/2009 by ANOK]