posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Great thread! I think there is a lot of this sort of practicality lacking among CTists (including myself). We love to see the doom... but don't
provide positive solutions.
The only problem with your premise is assuming that there is a mutual exclusivity in the problems. If we hit this point, I think there may be
considerable overlap on these problems.
1) Great Depression: Join the military. This will probably be the most stable job at this time. There will be rations and an income.
2) Mexican spillover: I don't agree with the reconquista element with this idea, as the spillover would occur because of a Mexican collapse. So,
these will be people who are desperate. Thankfully, I am not along the border, but, I would have to adopt a wait and see approach. If this was a
reconquista I would expatriate to Australia or New Zealand.
3) Obama crackdown: I, unfortunately, would be one of the first to be cracked down upon... so, I think I would be in the camps. Confronted with the
working with the administration option or being sent to a camp, I would stick to my beliefs. Maybe lead a prison revolt? I don't know on this one,
and I hope it doesn't occur.
4) World Gov't Moves: Try to work within the system to protect individuals and work for a good and just world government. There would be no
preventing it, so it would be a matter of making it as just and good as possible
5) Muslim rage: Hopefully this would not happen in the United States. However, IF it did, I would probably either join the military (yes, I would give
into the Flag or False Flag patriotism) or I would expatriate.
Very interesting topic.
Edit: Spelling
[edit on 5-3-2009 by Iago18]