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Area 51, $75 Billion, 40 Miles to Yucca Mountain

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posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Something is really FISHY with the government spending over $25 billion tax dollars on Yucca Mountain Nuclear Depository Facility and out-of-the-blue shuts the project down and says it's not safe for nuclear storage. Then I started thinking that this place is only 40 some miles away from Area 51. What did the government REALLY build deep within that mountain?
(This article mentions deceiving government costs. Other sources claim up to $75 billion has been spent.)

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 06:55 PM
Nuclear Fall Out Shelter prehaps...

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:26 PM
That first picture on that site, I'm sure was used as an explanation to the Dulce base in a thread not so long ago, I cant seem to find it, but I'm sure there are other members who remember the thread.

It was about some kind of Nuclear Mining around Dulce? and it didn't go as expected, they used that as an excuse for for what people had seen a long time ago? I could be well off the mark, but I'm sure it's the same picture, ill keep looking.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 10:54 AM
No conspiracy here. It's just the latest round in the battle against using Yucca Mountain as a waste storage site.

Frankly, I'm not sure why there are objections. We cant just let the waste pile up at reactor sites, etc. It has to be stored safely and permanently. I have been deep inside Yucca Mountain. It seems like an outstanding site for a repository, deep inside solid rock.

Some people have issues with the idea of transporting the material on public highways. Seriously, how difficult would it be to make a virtually indestructible transport cask?

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