posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 07:35 AM
(ACLU Press Release) SAN FRANCISCO � The United States has now reached the point where a total �surveillance society� has become a realistic
possibility, the American Civil Liberties Union warned in a report being released today. �Many people still do not grasp that Big Brother
surveillance is no longer the stuff of books and movies,� said Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU�s Technology and Liberty Program and a co-author
of the report. �Given the capabilities of today�s technology, the only thing protecting us from a full-fledged surveillance society are the legal and
political institutions we have inherited as Americans,� he added. �Unfortunately, the September 11 attacks have led some to embrace the fallacy that
weakening the Constitution will strengthen America.�
The ACLU said that its report, Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society, is an attempt to step back from the
daily march of stories about new surveillance programs and technologies and survey the bigger picture. The report argues that even as surveillance
capacity grows like a �monster� in our midst, the legal �chains� needed to restrain that monster are being weakened. The report cites not only new
technology but also erosions in protections against government spying, the increasing amount of tracking being carried out by the private sector, and
the growing intersection between the two.
�From government watch lists to secret wiretaps � Americans are unknowingly becoming targets of government surveillance,� said Dorothy Ehrlich,
executive director of the ACLU of Northern California. �It is dangerous for a democracy that government power goes unchecked and for this reason it
is imperative that our government be made accountable.�
A recent illustration of the danger, according to the ACLU report, is the Pentagon�s Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, which seeks to sift
through a vast array of databases full of personal information in the hunt for terrorism. �Even if TIA never materializes in its current form,�
Steinhardt said, �what this report shows is that the underlying trends are much bigger than any one program or any one controversial figure like John
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