posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM
How many of you ATS members watched John Harris's presentation about Great Britain's system of government? How credible is his research? Are his
findings that much of a legal loophole? I think any researcher would-- as in any particular case--place his research and analysis of a legal system
under strict scrutiny. Are we merely just fictitous entities when it comes to the legal definition of the term, "person?" I realize the word
varies in definition according to different legal dictionaries.
Is the whole "system" really just a croc?
I would like your thoughts that can possibly refute Mr. Harris's claims.
For those of you haven't seen watched the video, it can be found right here:
[edit on 3-3-2009 by LactoseIntolerant]
[edit on 3-3-2009 by LactoseIntolerant]