posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 03:00 AM
I know from personal experience as does most long term veterans, and so should most Brits and Americans that you can have an all singing, all dancing
tactical assault weapons system with every possible gizmo fitted.
LOL, I see them at the range all the time. Tacti-cool BDU's (skin tight too), jump boots, thigh pistol rigs, AR's with every accessory known to
modern man and last but not least...the wrap around glasses.
Me? I'm the local yokel with jeans and a wood stocked hunting rifle.
It's called the "Gray Man" blending in and not standing out a mile away.
Wise words indeed, We call them the Burt Gummers, Often socially inadequete people living their lives through the fantasy involved around being the
lone gunman, You come across them every day people who are simply to afraid of the world to venture out even to cut the grass unless they are armed
to the teeth. I pity them if TSHTF cos the good ole boys out in the countryside are going to slaughter them.