posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I'm not one to get worked up about song lyrics, typically. I remember laughing at all the kids in the late 80's, when I was a little skateboard
punk, who's parents wouldn't let them buy Guns n Roses-Appetite For Destruction album because the F word was in it a bunch of times.
My mom allowed me to have it because as she told me once, she's sure I hear those words all the time amongst my peers. I thought that was cool of her
and swore to myself that I'd be that sort of cool parent someday too. But this is a little different, in my opinion.
Ms. Spears fans are mostly teenage girls and worse, the so called 'tweens' (11 and 12 year olds). This is not the right message for that crowd. If I
had a daughter, cool or not, I would not allow her to own this album. I would simply not have my little girl dancing around, singing these lyrics.
I believe that pretty much all 'pop-music' is garbage. But when a new song emerges that is such an obvious stripclub number, it shouldn't be sold
to kids. Of course, that won't stop them from getting it anyways but we do what we can regardless because we know the effort is still worth it.
And as GrandIllusion pointed out, April Wine did something similar with lyrics way back when, but the difference is, they were aiming their albums at
a slightly older crowd. One that already had it on their minds. Not one who was just having such ideas implanted.
I'd say I've lost some respect for Ms. Spears but well.....I don't really see how that would be possible.
[edit on 3/2/2009 by Static Sky]