This caught my attention at first, and i was kind of excited. But i took the one frame that the object was in and i re sized it. If you look close it
turns out that its just pixelation. It is not in any other frames except 141.
Also, right under the object...although you cant really see it unless you blow it up pretty big, is another anomaly that looks just like the obious
one (just lighter). It stays in the same spot throuhout all of the frames, further suggesting pixelation.
Yeah its just pixelation.
Its not distinct enough to be an actual thing its more like a gap in the data of the photo.
If you consider how far they have to send it, then you could understand bits might get dropped.
the second file looks like a dust devil and 2 impacts. You have to keep in mind, mars is closer to the asteroid belt than we are, so stuff might be
dropping out of the sky more.
Umm in the first one you can see it passing through the frame of reference. Starts at the top right moves to bottom left you can see it passing
through the clouds in between if you look..