posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:45 AM
A quiet trend my friends, but a dangerous one.
Your hacker hating Oceania citizen has discovered this company:, is about to move 400 of it's IT (Information Technology -
computer operations) to an outsource firm in India.
This is a growing trend among US and European corporations looking to decrease the costs of maintaining a large, sometimes dictatorial, internal IT
Given the nature of the most recent Internet attack by the hated and loathed hacker culture, does anyone else see the danger of this trend?
I firmly believe the SQL Worm and Code Red Internet attacks are test runs of something much more sinister and damaging. More than ever, national
security is tied to the strength of the economy. How well do you suppose corporations with offshore, outsourced IT services will be able to withstand
serious digital attacks?
Disturbing to say the least.
[Edited on 31-1-2003 by Winston Smith]