posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I think this quote may help you.
Some men are born great, some men become great, and some people have greatness thrust upon them.
If there is this destany out their that we all have to fufill it kinda takes free will out of the mix doesn't it. I think sometimes we may get a
helping hand from the powers that be but mostly we are on our own. That being said.
1.) Sometimes your just born into a possition where people will remember you and you can do things, ie child of a KING.
2.) Sometimes through lots of hard work you can do things.
3.) And sometimes your just the right person in the right place at the right time.
All three of these things have happened more times than one could count through the ages and is a great explination.
I have done good things, I have do bad things so you really need to define greatness. If "the one" was about to be ran over by a car and you pushed
him out of the way would that make you greater than him because he could have done nothing without you. Or what if your his teacher that teaches him
all the things he knows.
We have this problem as a people where we want to credit one person for everything. We love to have heros. They give abe lincoln all this credit for
freeing the slaves when all he said was free them after he started a war that divided the whole country, and that one little thing he did made him
imortal as a great leader when he killed more americans than all other was put together, divided our country, and destroyed the south so bad it did
not start to recover till after world war 2 and is still far behind the north because nobody cared to help the trouble makers rebuild unless they
could make a buck off it.
So I think there is no "THE ONE" unless we make them that. It takes a lot of work from a lot of people and sometimes your just the right person in
the right place at the right time.
If something needed to be done that badly and there is a group of people there and one of them does it, "does that meand the rest would have just
stood there had he not been there." It just means he was the dominate personality in that situation. Others could/would have done it but he did.
I am not saying that to diminish someones heroism, I am just saying we have a lot of hero's out there every day but people don't watch the NEWS to
hear the good things so they are ignored.