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Countdown to Stone Age times

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posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:54 PM
Wouldnt it be great to be living back in the day with no cars, no electricity, no banks, no government. Seems as we are heading in the right direction. I sure hope its sooner than later. I predict 2012 is the year for success... why 2012? well it seems like a good year of bunch of stuff to happen, crash, survival, aliens mumbo jumbo, any other predictions on when we might succeed of such freedom?

with the current events, signs of things, seems like there will be a huge war before 2013, a huge disaster, biggest financial and industrial crash in the history of man kind. I welcome all disasters, man made, or natural disaster, i preffer natural disasters first tho, that way those greedy people who care only about themselves can understand life better, maybe there will still be a chance for them to turn back.

MAN has lifted himself to a high thrown, thinking that he is all mighty. Thinking all is controlled by man himself. This will not be accepted for much longer and those will see how tiny they really are very soon.

I welcome Gods judgement!

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:10 PM
Perhaps you should join an Amish community. Hitching the horses to go get supplies doesn't exactly thrill me even though I have considered it. Town won't even allow horses in parades anymore and there are no hitching posts except at the feed store...

I HAVE ridden my horse to work though, she got me there even when my road was flooded out.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Not having all these things also means not having hospitals health care schools etc.
I don't think we need to go back to the stone age, in fact the Amish don't even live in the stone age.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

As crazy as it snds, a strong well trained horse can swim a river
with a rider on its back.

I have seen it done personally, and it was even done in old
westerns back in the day.

It is dangerous of course, but damn amazing.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by BorgHoffen

This is true, the Amish are not total luddites, just mostly luddites, hehe.

I will say this thou for them, they can 100% make it on their own
without outside assistance.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I will say this thou for them, they can 100% make it on their own without outside assistance.

That is probably why the USDA has singled them out for attack.

To the other post. Yes horses can be strong swimmers. My horse loves water and I have gone swimming with her AWSOME

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by NickT916
Wouldnt it be great to be living back in the day with no cars, no electricity, no banks, no government. Seems as we are heading in the right direction. I sure hope its sooner than later. I predict 2012 is the year for success... why 2012? well it seems like a good year of bunch of stuff to happen, crash, survival, aliens mumbo jumbo, any other predictions on when we might succeed of such freedom?

with the current events, signs of things, seems like there will be a huge war before 2013, a huge disaster, biggest financial and industrial crash in the history of man kind. I welcome all disasters, man made, or natural disaster, i preffer natural disasters first tho, that way those greedy people who care only about themselves can understand life better, maybe there will still be a chance for them to turn back.

MAN has lifted himself to a high thrown, thinking that he is all mighty. Thinking all is controlled by man himself. This will not be accepted for much longer and those will see how tiny they really are very soon.

I welcome Gods judgement!
It would be nice to live in the Stone age, But if it were to happen after 2012, wouldn't we be more smarter than the last stone age? Well, it depends, probably we might loose all our memory, or die..

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:46 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
reply to post by crimvelvet

As crazy as it snds, a strong well trained horse can swim a river
with a rider on its back.

I have seen it done personally, and it was even done in old
westerns back in the day.

It is dangerous of course, but damn amazing.

I was raised around horses, and this doesnt sound crazy to me.....

In fact Ive done it. And whats crazy about it is when you get out away from the shore, the rivers current sparkles, becomes almost hypnotic, and makes the horse swim diagonally downriver as it crosses to the other shore. Its pretty fun.

Whats not fun is when your riding in the shallows, and your 1200lb quarter horse finds soft sand under the water. He will sink like a stone, likely up to his belly, and you'll spend the next 45 mins pulling him out, or contemplate having to shoot him if he breaks a leg or two while thrashing around, and you are 6 hours ride away from your horse trailer or help.

But I digress.....On the subject of the thread, I for one would LOVE to have the world crash back into the stone ages......BUT I have a family and would rather see things turn out ok, so my kids can grow up and have a good life. We've gone too far as a civilization to EVER go completely back, unless all in the world but a few were killed, and those few could reproduce. If most of our sorry a**es arent killed off, well never go back to stone age living.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by NickT916

While I'll leave the theological aspects out of this, I will say that should we as a society be dropped down a few notches, we'll see a huge amount of chaos as city life will become impossible. Cities require massive amounts of resources to flow into them in order to maintain the population density. When those resources stop flowing, the cities descend into chaos very quickly. Even if humanity isn't sent to the stone age, but rather back to it's agrarian roots, similar to those that can be found at the beginning of this nation, there'll be a significant population shift and significant downsizing will have to occur. How it'll happen will be anyone's guess, but it'll happen. Whether it be with bullets, release of a pathogen, or some other method to cull the masses, if we're to return to our agrarian roots, it'll require huge changes.

I suppose we'll just have to see how things go.

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