posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:41 AM
If the Government wanted to put micro chips in everyone, there would be a hell of a lot of complaints.
Firstly they would have to re-write laws, allowing doctors, or whoever it is that would put in these chips to do so.
Secondly, let's say the American Government introduces this micro chip theory as a compulsary thing. Then I'm guessing that the majority of the
American population would disagree with it, and rebel or move to a different country.
Thirdly, what's to stop people from taking out the chip? and would it be illegal to take it out? Well of course it would be if it's a compulsary
Now, if this ever does become reality, which at this point I'm seriously doubting, then afer they use these chips to pay for things and that sort of
thing, they'll want to upgrade them, so police can keep files of people on them. Then possibly doctors might want to keep health record on them, and
the list goes on.
It's an interesting topic, and I know politicians can be stupid. Like really stupid. But I doubt they'd be THAT stupid. Surely someone up there of
some senatorial position would see a few flaws in that idea right?
Interesting thread though. Thanks