posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Hi all, here's my 'newbie' post
I've been a lurker on ATS for a few months now and and have finally decided to become part of the community. I'm not sure how much of a
contribution I can make having read some of the excellent posts by other members, but we'll see how I go.
Brief bio: English, born in the late 1950's, father a career soldier so travelled around quite a bit while growing up, currently living in south
east England. Spent a large part of my life involved with biker gangs getting drunk and doing drugs. Now I just like to work, play my Orc Hunter in
WoW and surf t'internet.
I'm fascinated by all things UFO, ancient civilizations, NWO and big brother so I think I'll find something here to interest me
see you on the boards.