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New Monsterquest - Jersey Devil

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posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 01:42 AM
Did anyone else watch it?

I know Monsterquest gets a bad rap for being all talk and no evidence, but some episodes, like the Chupacabra one, and IMO this one, are worth watching.

They launched a 60-man hunt through the Pine Barrens that didn't turn up anything, BUT:

They did solve the mystery of the Montauk Monster and proved by polygraph test that witnesses have been telling the truth.

The scale model of the Jersey Devil that had built by movie special effects experts was damn awesome too. I want it for my front lawn.

So any thoughts on this episode? Anyone seen the Jersey Devil or know someone who has?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:58 AM
Yes my brother and a few others saw a beast around 1976 or so. Let me say first off that I don't pay any attention to the Leeds family and all that nonsense. I think there are different animals involved here. The family that was interviewed probably saw some giant Owl. That's what the imitation looked like except for the colors, but it was seen after dark.
My brother and friends were driving on a dirt road in Chattsworth NJ. which is in the Pine Barrens. 50 yards in front of them, a 20 ft. tall beast walking on 2 feet crossed the road. It was black and had a head shaped like a Bull. He said it looked like a Minotaur. I think the only thing it could be is a Giant Ground Sloth. I think the smaller Shasta Ground Sloth or a relative of it fits the description of the Michigan Dogman perfectly.
The footprints in the article below looks like a match to the Shasta Ground Sloth

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 04:04 AM
Almost everytime I hit the info button on Monsterquest, it's about bigfoot, yeti, and other large hairy mammels. I enjoyed the Jersey Devil and the Chupacabra episodes.

They had a marathon on a few weeks ago during the daytime and I caught one about giant fish that was really good - had up to date encounters and pictures.

I'd give it a 2.5. Now, UFO Hunters and Ghost Hunters - that's must see tv imo!

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Like most of their episodes, this one had no real evidence to back it up. The eyewitnesses saw something, and that is certain. They did describe behavior that resembled that of a horned owl, but are certain it wasn't. I believe they would know what an owl looks like, so I tend to believe it was no owl. The pictures of the footprints were inconclusive, but they do indicate something was there that night.

The creature that was sculpted looked like a type of bat. I would tend to believe the Jersey Devil is actually some type of undiscovered large bat.

The people searching the woods seemed like a waste of time.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Yep, I'm from Jersey so this episode was a must see for me.

It's about time they start polygraphing witnesses...

Over-all it was 'OK'

I'd give it a 2.5. Now, UFO Hunters and Ghost Hunters - that's must see tv imo!

Ghost Hunters? really? I thought that stuff was staged and fake?
(you know, Ratings ratings ratings!!)

UFO hunters though

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by fooffstarr

Like most of their episodes, this one had no real evidence to back it up. The eyewitnesses saw something, and that is certain. They did describe behavior that resembled that of a horned owl, but are certain it wasn't. I believe they would know what an owl looks like, so I tend to believe it was no owl. The pictures of the footprints were inconclusive, but they do indicate something was there that night.

The creature that was sculpted looked like a type of bat. I would tend to believe the Jersey Devil is actually some type of undiscovered large bat.

The people searching the woods seemed like a waste of time.

See, the whole 'no evidence' thing never really bothers me.

From Monsterquest, you learn about legends you have never heard of before, and get to see people who at least think they have experienced something that should be technically impossible.

It is great, IMO, that a television program takes cryptozoolgy seriously for a change. Better than the usual bunk that is televised just to make fun of witnesses and believers.

And as far as evidence goes, if nothing else, Monsterquest proved the existence of the Chupacabra. Now one positive ID out of 20 or 30 episodes, to me, seems worth it.

And for nothing else, the show is entertaining. My parents, who are downright skeptics about such things, are obsessed with the show because it is different. It is a kind of open minded, scientifically based show they haven't seen before.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by fooffstarr

Like most of their episodes, this one had no real evidence to back it up. The eyewitnesses saw something, and that is certain. They did describe behavior that resembled that of a horned owl, but are certain it wasn't. I believe they would know what an owl looks like, so I tend to believe it was no owl. The pictures of the footprints were inconclusive, but they do indicate something was there that night.

The creature that was sculpted looked like a type of bat. I would tend to believe the Jersey Devil is actually some type of undiscovered large bat.

The people searching the woods seemed like a waste of time.

I had read that a traveling zoo or a circus side show had gone belly up in the 1800's. The owner let the animals loose, including some hammer head bats. The bats were able to adapt to there new environment. Thus accounting for some of the Jersey Devil sightings.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by mistressofspices

They discussed Hammerhead Bats in this episode.

A bat expert concluded that regardless of how they got there, a Hammerhead Bat would not survive a single winter in the Pine Barrens.

They are used to the high heat and humidity of Africa, not snow and sub-zero temperatures.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

It is true they did prove the Texas chupacabra was a dog (the Puerto Rican chupacabra is another matter), but I do like it when they get some DNA or other evidence. They have polygraph tested people in the past (the Wisconsin Werewolf comes to mind), and that tells us the people saw something out of the ordinary.

On the hammerhead bat theory, it is possible the bats could have adopted to the cold weather while touring with the circus. It may be true their relatives would find it hard to survive, but temperatures in a tent would not be that much above freezing in the winter. Many creatures learn to adapt to their new environment, and the bats may have done so with winter. They are warm blooded, and that is an advantage for them in the long run. They may have hibernated at first during winter, and some of them come out every now and then. The sightings could be of the bats foraging in the garbage for fruit or other food. They could have also adapted their diets to include insects and other plants. All of this is conjecture, but it may be possible.

I also agree with you on learning about local legends and creatures. I learned about the Wisconsin Werewolf sightings from this show, and that area is only a few hundred miles away from me.

[edit on 3/1/2009 by kidflash2008]

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 04:15 PM
Here's an old thread about the Hammerhead Bat...

After watching Monster Quest, I think it might be an owl.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:32 PM
The footprints on the roof looked like those of an owl or bird in that both feet were together like it hopped. The recreation looked like an owl to me, especially the mouth or beak. NotTooHappy, could you or anyone else post a few photos of a real hammerhead bat? A giant Owl would account for Mothman sightings too. Hard to believe an owl could get that big. If it does exist it might also explain Thunderbird sightings.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Sargoth

Here you go.


This one's my favorite...

Sorry, I'm lazy today.

Couldn't get the links to work.

[edit on 8/10/09 by NotTooHappy]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by NotTooHappy

Thank you for those images. They do resemble the sculpture of the Jersey Devil from the episode. I do think it is an unknown giant bat in the hammer head family.

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