Originally posted by Horza
reply to post by supermass
So, supermass, what is your opinion on the fact that the object and the camera movement are in sync?
Couldn't it also be argued the footage is genuine because of the synchronisation ?
I agree, there are many fakes out there and from these it appears the cgi sych method is something that takes some skill to pull off correctly, by a
animation student perhaps. If this is a fake it's the best I have seen with respect to the objects behavior and the process of unifying the objects
position with the windows while filtering out the camera's movement. I'd imagine that's some heavy work load animating multiple synchronisation,
but maybe it isent. I'm doubtful of the cgi method. I mean no offense but the guy doesn't appear that he is a person who would spend hours on making
cgi animation to fit with live footage.
If he used a physical prop it had to be very high up which may require a large armature to hold the object in place, if it was hanging it would swing,
something that is not displayed in the video. I don't think it has the behaviour of a balloon either.
The contrast between the flock of birds and the object suggest a good bit of distance, more
than something just hanging or coming out from the roof by a couple of feet for example.
The birds that fly by in the video are at different distances from the window and the object. At
0.08 & 0.34 a you will note a flock pass between the object and the camera, again suggesting a real time distance between the elements if its a
physical prop.
The object's reflective qualities suggest a good bit of height also, If
its a real time prop its highly reflective where as the birds are not which also
appear darker suggesting the objects position is higher than that of the birds with respect to the sun's position, or because of the birds height we
cannot see the light shining on there back, hence only the shadow areas which suggests the prop is indeed a good bit higher up again. Height is also
emphasized somewhat by the perspective of the window frame as the camera looks to see the birds and beyond them the object.
If we knew the species or size of the birds we could approximate the minimal size of the object with respect to the flock of birds that is furthest
away from the camera, and from that possible the mechanical structure needed to manipulate that load from said distance. The looked like Starlings or
something. If the object is right beside the flock of birds that are most distant from the window its got to be about twice or three times the size of
a basketball, I'm just roughly guessing on that though.
I've been talking to this guy and asking him about an interview, he claims to have no knowledge of UFOs so he declined and I'm a strange to him and
he's young enough, so i don't want to badger him too much about it, but i would like to in time maybe go and make studies of where he filmed this,
it would be interesting to either debunk or prove it. He says he has a picture taken before this footage of a 'craft' so we'll see what that
produces, he appears to have no care about the subject, just a passing curiosity. Which makes me think that if he was faking this, his whole yotube
account is a scam for the aid of the video, and if it is a hoax I think a lot of time and effort has been wasted on the video because its end result
doesn't weigh up against the energy and effort put into it considering most people think its a fake.
Anyway, I think its genuine and if it truly is real I also think its a fairly important piece if footage in regard to the objects movement, that
peek-a-boo behaviour raises some interesting ideas.