posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Not going to happen, there have always been a few brave groups that speak out for the truth and nothing any of the big pharma can do will stop it. It
is not as if it is a bunch of crazed wide eyed unstable individuals coming up with the opposing truths to the dangers of the vaccines, it is
courageous Scientists and Dr.s working in unison to test and bring this information forward.
Too many lives have lost to the insanity of the big pharma and their poisons.
How many times a day do you see the commercials for healthy pharmaceuticals for simple medical problems like arthritis, but the entire two minute
commercial is about the adverse effects which range from flu and upper respiratory illness to heart attack, stroke, loss of memory, blindness,
impaired mental function, lukemia, blood clots, strep throat, brain tumors, paralysis, coma and even death? But the commercials are so well made that
they make you feel interested in the product? For many weak minded people they will actually go on to ask their doctor about trying the medicine...