posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Globe Magazine
JUST weeks after leaving the White House, depressed and paranoid George Bush is suicidal, insiders fear. In a blockbuster world exclusive, sources
tell GLOBE the ex-President is boozing up a storm - and reveal why he is terrified of Barack Obama and his own wife Laura.
Well .. Do you think that the rag 'GLOBE' is getting it right?
Mostly they don't, but once in a while these tabloids do.
I believe he is drinking. Heck .. I think he did before he left the White House. Wouldn't blame him. Even a non-alcoholic would be tempted to
drink after all that stress.
Depressed? Sure. Lots of guys who retire or are layed off get depressed.
Paranoid about Obama? Maybe. Bush knows the dark dealings of DC and the shadow gov't. But he probably also understands that Obama is just a tool
and doesn't have the real power to do anything substantial to him.
Paranoid about the REAL powers is more like it. And he should be.
Paranoid about Laura? Doubt it. The magazine in the supermarket checkout said he was worried about her 'tell all' book. I highly doubt it will be
a 'tell all'.
Suicidal? Now THAT has the makings of a conspiracy. Bush is out. He is no longer the useful tool that he was. He's now a drinking ex-president
with nothing to do. The powers that be might want to be rid of any possible leaks or problems coming from him. So they leak to the tabloids that he
is suicidal. So when Bush commits 'suicide' .. everyone points to the tabloids and says it was expected. No one checks to see if he was whacked by
those really in charge.
Then again .. it could all be just the usual supermarket tabloid bunk ....