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CIA Warned of Attack 6 Years Before 9/11

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posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
How so Satyr, care to specify how and with what?


I don't really think I need to. You won't see the same picture as many of us anyway. You see the world through rosy colored, America can do no wrong glasses.

[Edited on 4-18-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by aware
....the charade is falling apart. No amount of denial, spin, or propoganda is gonna keep this lie concealed.

Aware, I didn't read too much of that interestin PBS link about the man who did know.
The big, unanswered question is not who but WHY...
why did the WTC need to happen. I do believe it was symbolic. It has to be something other than to freak out the nation--because many in our country have all but forgotten about it.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 06:44 PM
why do you think it happened?

everyday it seems more obvious that all of this has to do with the elite running the world, call them illuminati, freemasons, bilderbergs whatever, it is these people who control members of organizations such as Skull and Bones that end up becoming our presidents. 9/11 was the best way to scare us all and launch this war on terror in hopes to curb populations by instigating and waging holy wars and eventually take all our rights away.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 06:55 PM
Why it had to happen IMO, and im sure im gonna get one of those 'use the search funtion' posts, but here i go.
It had to happen because it was the next step in the incrimentle progression towards martial law and NWO.

The creation of fatherland security, the passage of the 'patriot act', basicly the entire 'war on terror' are all direct results of 911.
New departments were created, new budgets formed, new laws passed.
None of these things could have taken place without the support of the people.
How do you get the people to support it? You scare the hell out of them and tell them these measures are needed for their 'protection'.
Its a simple concept. The mafia uses a form of it when they send in thugs to rough up a store keeper, then send in a nice guy to offer them protection for a small fee.
Was that the question, or did i misread you?
Now in saying that i would also like to say i bit right in to the 'official' story in the beginnig. It sure sounded like they knew what they were talking about. I watched as the government took the steps it thought were needed after 911. I supported the invasion of Afghanastan, and following that i was even alright about going into Iraq.
It wasnt until about 6 months ago that i woke up, but thats a different story for a different thread.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
why do you think it happened?

9/11 was the best way to scare us all and launch this war on terror in hopes to curb populations by instigating and waging holy wars and eventually take all our rights away.

Well, that's what I mean. I think 9/11 was a symbolic event. Everybody was scared s**tless for a few weeks. The, it was business as usual.
Sure, you can say it was a excuse for going after OBL in Afghanistan and eventually going into Iraq. But, I am not sure why we want Iraq---I don't think it is the oil. Like they say: location, location, location. Better, larger base than Saudi Arabia, who wants us out.

But, I digress. I think 9/11 did further their agenda, but not as greatly as they had hoped. The attention span of sheeple is just not up to the task. If anything, 9/11 mobilized places on the internet to have large numbers of folks become aware of NWO.

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by aware
The creation of fatherland security, the passage of the 'patriot act', basicly the entire 'war on terror' are all direct results of 911.
New departments were created, new budgets formed, new laws passed....
How do you get the people to support it? You scare the hell out of them and tell them these measures are needed for their 'protection'.
Its a simple concept. The mafia uses a form of it when they send in thugs to rough up a store keeper, then send in a nice guy to offer them protection for a small fee.
Was that the question, or did i misread you?

No, that was the question...and yeah, I forgot about the patriot act...duh...
They did sneak that by us, but it's like NOW has been going on for hundreds of years, and they seem to take 1 step toward NWO and 2 steps back:
9/11 woke up way more than just us at ATS.

[Edited on 18-4-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

The Catholic church had wars with the church of islam centuries ago.
the resolution of this conflict will only be in the elimination of one or the other.

islam has been at WAR with every country it has ever sprung up in.
the islamification of europe is about 50-75% complete.

since for the purposes of tolerance and inclusion, same mentality that precipitated world war two, europe has invited this plague upon itself and will yet again require americans to send not only weapons, but men to eliminate the threat. We are already sending men to iraq, afghanistan, and syria, and other islam countries.
Cant recall history?
Then repeat it, i said repeat it.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:52 AM


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