posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:20 AM
ahh Questioningall - my favorite journalist on ATS - The adress itself was quite occult and unbelievable to me.
Mr Schiff reminded me of the savings phenomina. Where are all the savings...
Switzerland or rather the swiss banks were far from neutral in their assistance in the Nazy war machine, looted gold from synaguoges, teeth, wedding
bands ect were converted in swiss francs!
Trusting jews also deposited their savings - most never claimed because of death.
I do not believe in the transparency of any audit on this, I believe in billions more than millions could be redistributed.
I know alot of maffia people, drug money overflows the swiss banks - trillions actually! should be redistributed.
I could go on and on but no they do not listen - thank you for being