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Destroying the Village

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posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 02:02 AM
One of the legacies of the Vietnam War is the now infamous quote from an American military press officer, "We had to destroy the village in order to save it." Rings some bells these days. In the name of "fighting terror," countries with secret weapons programs are poised to pulverize Iraq because of its secret weapons programs. And Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are being used against civilians in order to prevent WMD from being used against civilians.

Here is the rest of the article:

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 02:56 AM
Ocelot - You're one of those losers living in dementia on Puerto Rico. I'd bet you're one of those losers attacking innocent Navy personnel working on Puerto Rico.

One of my best friends is from Puerto Rico and he works side by side with me in the evil machine called the US military. He would slap you silly for the BS you say on this board. He left the island to become educated while you stayed behind as a moron.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 05:03 AM
C'est la guerre

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by MT69
Ocelot - You're one of those losers living in dementia on Puerto Rico. I'd bet you're one of those losers attacking innocent Navy personnel working on Puerto Rico.

One of my best friends is from Puerto Rico and he works side by side with me in the evil machine called the US military. He would slap you silly for the BS you say on this board. He left the island to become educated while you stayed behind as a moron.

When people were growing up and learning how to disagree with someone without resorting to insult, what were you doing MT69?

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:44 AM
he does make a small point here though, is anybody else afraid of the fact that they are refusing to deny that they will use WMD in this war (they being the US govt. ) and keep saying things such as they will use every weapon.

it does seem kind of hypocritical of us to use WMD in a war to destroy WMD

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by MT69
Ocelot - You're one of those losers living in dementia on Puerto Rico. I'd bet you're one of those losers attacking innocent Navy personnel working on Puerto Rico.

One of my best friends is from Puerto Rico and he works side by side with me in the evil machine called the US military. He would slap you silly for the BS you say on this board. He left the island to become educated while you stayed behind as a moron.

Hey you guys!!!Moderators, Administrators !!! Can you please talk to this kid!?!?!
He's hijacked every post and turned it into a flame war; and as in this one, completely unprovoked! Spank little Johnny, OK? Everybody likes smacking around Leftists or Right Wingers but nobody likes flame for flames sake!

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 02:38 PM
Bout Time - Waaaaah. So pointing how stupid your kind is after seeing post after post full of lies is flaming??? Typical liberal....

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by MT69
Bout Time - Waaaaah. So pointing how stupid your kind is after seeing post after post full of lies is flaming??? Typical liberal....

Point out the lies, provide facts!

Your inslults just make you look weak minded....

wonder why you use them so much?

[Edited on 1-2-2003 by AlecMac]

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 07:02 PM
When the left comes here with "" links regarding "inside" info about the US's nothing but lies.

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 04:04 AM
Listen MT69. Just because I post a link to some article I read doesn�t mean that I agree with it 100%. I just post it so you guys can read it and discuss it like normal intelligent adults. But I guess that�s just too much to ask of some people. And no I am not anti- Military. Some of my best friends that I went to high school with are in the military, and I appreciate the job that they're doing.

You want to call me a moron.... well that's fine with me. I really don't give a crap what you think anyway. As far as you calling me uneducated well you are sorely mistaken. I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and I'm in school now working on 2 other degrees one in Computer engineering and the other in Electrical engineering. After that I plan to get my masters and PhD. I am many things.... but uneducated is not one of them.

[Edited on 1-2-2003 by Ocelot]

posted on Feb, 1 2003 @ 01:49 PM
Ocelot - I'm sorry for not noticing that you're just a news reporter here. I just saw other news releases that you posted here as info and not some political bias. I would take this link with a grain of salt, but at least you're just reporting it and not preaching it.

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