posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:42 PM
In response to President Osama’s “State of the Union Address“, I would like to propose the following which require strength in leadership and
dedication to the improvement and continuation of the American way of life.
The 16th Amendment must be repealed. The direct tax on income is no different than the Protection Racket done by the Mafia. It is apparent that the
Federal Government has wasted these monies collected over the year via the strong arm tactics of the IRS. It has not protected us direct attacks by
enemies foreign (9/11) nor domestic (current financial crisis). By increasing all working people’s wages by far more than the propose $13/wk, people
can choose to spend, invest and save for their own futures. I am as charitable as the next person, but the Federal Government does not need to direct
my charity via weekly tithes.
The Federal Reserve Act must be repealed. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution clearly states that it is the power of Congress to coin money and
regulate the value thereof. It is not nor should ever have been in the hands of a private consortium of banks that can act outside of the influence of
the people. When Congressional spending causes devaluation and inflation of our currency we can petition, remove by vote, enforce a recall by the home
state or extract by force if needed. The Federal Reserve can not be directly influenced in any way by the people for the betterment of our nation.
Congressional spending needs to within confines established under Article 1. It is not in the interest of the individual citizen nor the people as a
whole for the Federal Government to subsidize businesses. This goes for manufacturing, financial services and higher education. Colleges and
Universities are business first and foremost. Tuition will become affordable to far more people by means of free market competition than it will by
taxpayer subsidies.
Mr. President, upon oath of office, you have sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. In doing just the three outlined above you can
reduce our deficit and eliminate immense amounts of excess government spending. It opens the door for a stronger economy, provides for jobs and
services from would be entrepreneurs and provides self determination for all Americans instead of dependence on the whims and machinations of the
financial and political elite. These ideas are nothing new, in fact they are nearly as old as our country. We as a nation have both stumbled and made
mistakes in our past, but we have never quit on the idea of being strong and free. I ask you to help us to once again have a better ability to pursue
dreams and ambitions instead of being shackled by fears and uncertainty.
[edit on 24-2-2009 by Ahabstar]