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Is there support for a class action wrongful death lawsuit against 9/11 perpetrators?

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:36 PM
This is a trial balloon to gauge the level of support for this idea. What if we pool our financial resources(thousands of small donations) in order to hire a very brave lawyer to file a class action lawsuit against a list of key 9/11 perpetrators? Even if we lose the lawsuit itself, the trial will be a defacto 9/11 investigation that might encourage whistleblowers to come forward.

As one possible means of raising funds, a privately-run email service, complete with encrypted email for those who want that, could be offered for a very modest monthly fee, of which half would go into a legal fund to pay for the lawsuit.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:49 PM
And offered to ALL countries not just USA. I would be pleased to see this happen.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:01 PM
key perpetrators being...?

thats a pretty crucial part of the story, cant just gloss over that like that!

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
This is a trial balloon to gauge the level of support for this idea. What if we pool our financial resources(thousands of small donations) in order to hire a very brave lawyer to file a class action lawsuit against a list of key 9/11 perpetrators? Even if we lose the lawsuit itself, the trial will be a defacto 9/11 investigation that might encourage whistleblowers to come forward.

As one possible means of raising funds, a privately-run email service, complete with encrypted email for those who want that, could be offered for a very modest monthly fee, of which half would go into a legal fund to pay for the lawsuit.

I think that such a lawsuit is a fantastic idea....although you should solicit donations from people like Alex Jones, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Richard Gage, Dylan Avery, and others who

Perhaps if you could find a truther lawyer you could get a discount, have them work it on a contingency basis or pro-bono.

The problem, of course, is that you need some hard evidence...not just things like "he said pull it!"

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Yes - but we would have to have the definition of Key Perpetrators.

I would first find a way to a full investigation -
Hiring REAL investigators - not the ones hired by any administration.

Once you have the real perps - you have a class action law suit.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by spinkyboo
Yes - but we would have to have the definition of Key Perpetrators.

I would first find a way to a full investigation -
Hiring REAL investigators - not the ones hired by any administration.

Once you have the real perps - you have a class action law suit.

Haven't Alex Jones, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Dylan Avery, etc made enough money off of 9/11-related conspiracy theories in order to help fund an investigation? I don't see any tax dollars being spent on this.

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