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WTC What happened?

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:15 AM

For the truther who think the perps used planes to hit the towers, do you think they tested their plane out first, or did they just fly the planes in via remote control and crossed their fingers and held their breathes that it wouldn't miss, would crash all the way in, wouldn't cause the demolition to go off too early, or worse, not go off at all?

For those who think they used a drone plane with a pod attached under it, do you think they tested that out first, or just flew it in and hopefully it wouldn't screw it up?


[edit on 24-2-2009 by D.Duck]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:44 AM
I don't see why "they would hold their breath"? If the plane missed, they probably would have "Plan B", which in my view would be either a detonation in mid air or a nose dive, or something along those lines.

Either way, whomever did the act knew what they were doing, that much we can be sure about.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by talisman


Could you please explain what you meen when you say " which in my view would be either a detonation in mid air or a nose dive, or something along those lines"


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by D.Duck
do you think they tested their plane out first, or did they just fly the planes in via remote control and crossed their fingers

Remote control technology for planes has been around as early as the 1960's. There was no need to test something that's been in use for many decades.

Originally posted by D.Duck
wouldn't cause the demolition to go off too early

There are over a thousand different types of explosives that can be used in demolitions and there are many types of incendiaries and explosives that can't be set off by just fires. They take a chemical reaction to set them off.

Originally posted by D.Duck
For those who think they used a drone plane with a pod attached under it, do you think they tested that out first, or just flew it in and hopefully it wouldn't screw it up?

There was no "pod". There are a few that cling to this "theory", but anyone that says there was a "pod" is spreading disinformation. When you look at the head-on shots of the plane coming into the south tower, you can see that there is nothing on the bottom of the plane.

The "pod" has been debunked for years here:

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by D.Duck

For the truther who think the perps used planes to hit the towers, do you think they tested their plane out first, or did they just fly the planes in via remote control and crossed their fingers and held their breathes that it wouldn't miss, would crash all the way in, wouldn't cause the demolition to go off too early, or worse, not go off at all?

If I were a betting man, I'd go with remote control, a proven technology, over Hani Hanjour and company to achieve three hits on three attempts any day.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Those people responsible are brainwashed suicide fanatics so the head of those organizations need not use high tech systems for that. Humans are cheaper and more effective. They just brainwash people and they serve like a remote control.

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