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YOU will be the hands of the NWO

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:42 PM
Or maybe you won't...

But the way i'm seeing things is like this.

An X amount of people (the elite controllers) want change. They want a world that suits their whims and pockets.
The old (current) system does not suit them, because ultimately capitalism is eating itself dry.

I believe the elite are effectively seperating themselves from us, by a number of methods.

1) Confusing media and politics.

This creates tension, confusion and division. We are too busy hating ourselves and each other to really think about matters.

2) Manipulation of certain social structure and the absorption of product

Control of the drug trade (Afghanistan, South America), control the pharmecutical industries, control the food industries and control the filters on the reservoirs. The elite want us either wired, addicted, or reliant on substances.... Manipulate the economy, so the cheaper food is worse for us... so the useless eaters get sick and die, whislt those with money can eat better, live longer and get the right medication. Manipulate the workers in Afgan, so it becomes cheaper for them to grow opium, and thus with a little help from shadowy agents, smuggle it in to the home country and filter it on to the streets.

3) Mind control (similar to number 1)

Bombard us with generations of films, games, magazines, newspapers that tell us how we 'should' live. Again creates inner tension, weakening our morale and creating a fake and plastic vision of life.

4) The control of history.

History is only ever written by the winners, as the old quote says. Sooo much information has been lost, destroyed or hidden from the masses, that we are again confronted with confusing and sometimes false facts.

5) Education and the dumbing down of the youth

Free-thinking quashed, expression denied and individuality either on extreme scales (factions, gangs, cultures) or again denied.
'Westernised' learning and absorption of number 4 (above).

6) False enemies and threats and false flag ops.

'Osama Bin Laden is coming to kill you'. Etc. Keep the nation in a controlled amount of fear. We don't think straight when we are scared.

7) Reliance on controlling technology.

Mobile phone (portable tracking devices), traceable IP's, advanced weaponry and the increase of Police and military technology ensures we are again distracted and kept in our place at the same time.
'We are nothing without our gadgets', as some youngsters now say.


Thus, what we then have is a melting pot of people who are angry for no real reason. Racial and religious divides, violence on the increase (either through people going crazy with jealousy, mental illness, thuggery, anger etc etc etc) and suddenly the economy comes crashing down amidst all this nastiness and chaos.

Two or three generations of confused people all existing at the same time (with vastly different opinions of society) and VOILA , we get angry.... we get told we CANNOT protest.

Peaceful protests get disturbed by planted 'hooligans' with BIG pay cheques, thus the powers that be stop us from protesting.... we get angry and we attack the reality our grandfather's built for us....

Thus, when the carnage unfolds, the elite will have succeeded in dividing us, distracting us, getting us addicted, reliant and unthinking and ready to EMBRACE the new changes that they have blue printed into our minds....

Our reality will crumble, and we will have no choice but embrace the the new Masters...

As i say.... we are the HANDS of the NWO.

It's not our fault, it's just the way we have been conditioned.





posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:31 PM
mate your right on the money,

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

" YOU will be the hands of the NWO "

so, whats your point?

[edit on 23-2-2009 by tankthinker]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:32 AM
Good post.

Of course our hands are what we use to do things with, so the real way in which we are the ‘hands of the NWO’ is when we do those things that further their agenda. Particularly when we attack another simply on their say so.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker
reply to post by mr-lizard

" YOU will be the hands of the NWO "

so, whats your point?

The first line of the openingpost "Or maybe you won't... "

If people know where the strings are they can be cut by the ones being strung along. Knowledge is power. That is the whole point of knowledge, you may not be able to topple the NWO-machinery but at least you could refuse to cooperate.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by Harman]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:20 AM
i see what you are saying, i get it and i'm with you, but the nub of the whole thing is this,


what is the ultimate goal here. there has got to be a point to all this.
in order to do this the elite need to have a huge level of control and power, so it's not power they're after.
they already have 99% of the money and resources, so they don't want that.
money and power isn't the goal, so what is?

what is the motivation for all this, i mean this seriously. i see everything you've outlined and any differences i have are semantical. it is as you say.

but the why is eating me up, i can't work out what the hell they could possibly want. it can't be good, if it was good then there's no point in all the secrecy and misdirection. it can't really be a whole lot worse either, so what is it.

it's driving me nut's, i can't work it out.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:26 AM
All you can do is to limit their influence on you. It may seem insurmountable because of all of the ways they can track you and practically read your thoughts - their tech is that invasive.

But just remember that they will have you up against the wall once their true plans are revealed, only because you didn't want to swim with the other goldfish.

Don't play ball...I hate to quote Tom Metzger, but maybe we should all take a page from his playbook and tell LE authorities this and only this when they finally kick your door down:

"I Have Nothing To Say."

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by pieman
it's driving me nut's, i can't work it out.

How about the wholesale manipulation of the entire human race?

After all, what good is having a bunch of puppets if you can't make them dance?

[edit on 24-2-2009 by xxxJClarkxxx]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:37 AM
yeah, but in order to make us dance, they have to make us dance.

the manipulation is to what end, "just because" is a lazy answer and i don't buy it.
there has to be a purpose.

if we don't understand, or at least question, the goals of all this string pulling then there is no way we can say for sure that we are or aren't "the hands of the NWO".

all we seem to know right now is that a game is being played, we seem to have no reputable idea of the playing field, the rules or the goals. it's all very disconcerting.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:53 AM
I think we can all agree on the fact that we are being manipulated.

It's probably a small group and I think it would be pretty profound if it was nothing more than, say...just a game to these people.

I play golf, you might play tennis...they play RISK with every single one of our lives.

Alfred the Butler said it best - "Some men just want to watch the world burn." Maybe some men just want to watch the world dance to their tune.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 07:01 AM
okay, the just a game thing works in some respects but the problem is, it's had to play out, over a couple of centuries, just so to get us here, to even make the game possible.

and anywho, if it's just a monumental game of risk then anything we do just adds to the fun, damned if we do, damned if we don't.

does it really feel right to you?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 07:01 AM
You see, you can only get so rich.
Only get so much money, then money becomes stupid to you.
To people like Rockefeller an Rothschild, they don't even think about money anymore.
They have teams of people to do that for them.
So whats the next step?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by pieman
does it really feel right to you?

Of course not. I hate not feeling in control. If a pawn on a chessboard could feel, do you think it'd feel right about being sacrificed constantly?

The reasons and motivations for these heinous things don't have to make sense to us and most likely wouldn't. You're dealing with people who've never worked a day in their lives and who have been groomed their entire life to bend the world to their will. You can't expect them to have the same motivations you and I do.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by xxxJClarkxxx]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by xxxJClarkxxx

perhaps you're right, it's not a simple explanation and it doesn't sit very well with me but it is interesting.

borghoffen, you think souls is the purpose!! in a christian sense? surely a battle for souls requires an active choice to turn away from god, the manipulation of the earthdoesn't really seem to be to that end.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by BorgHoffen
You see, you can only get so rich.
Only get so much money, then money becomes stupid to you.
To people like Rockefeller an Rothschild, they don't even think about money anymore.
They have teams of people to do that for them.
So whats the next step?

I didn't know Shang Tsung was a Rothschild.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by pieman
borghoffen, you think souls is the purpose!! in a christian sense? surely a battle for souls requires an active choice to turn away from god, the manipulation of the earth doesn't really seem to be to that end.

As I understand it you can also be lured away from God with deception and trickery. So manipulation would seem to fit the bill if the goal is souls.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Harman

The first line of the openingpost "Or maybe you won't... "

If people know where the strings are they can be cut by the ones being strung along. Knowledge is power. That is the whole point of knowledge, you may not be able to topple the NWO-machinery but at least you could refuse to cooperate.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by Harman]

And why would i want to cut those strings?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by pieman
i see what you are saying, i get it and i'm with you, but the nub of the whole thing is this,


what is the ultimate goal here. there has got to be a point to all this.
in order to do this the elite need to have a huge level of control and power, so it's not power they're after.
they already have 99% of the money and resources, so they don't want that.
money and power isn't the goal, so what is?

what is the motivation for all this, i mean this seriously. i see everything you've outlined and any differences i have are semantical. it is as you say.

but the why is eating me up, i can't work out what the hell they could possibly want. it can't be good, if it was good then there's no point in all the secrecy and misdirection. it can't really be a whole lot worse either, so what is it.

it's driving me nut's, i can't work it out.

It’s quite simple really. The battle is spiritual, but also fought on the physical plane. They seek to deceive and entrap you spiritually, mentally and physically. The big money elite are the servants of the god of this world. They are of him and his works they will do. They come not but to steal, kill and destroy.

It’s all about the original lie: ye shall be as gods. They’ve fallen for it, and are trying to make it come to pass. That’s the reason for all the megalomania, narcissism and god-complex. They really do believe themselves to be gods and above the rest of us. They exalt in tricking people into being their mindless puppets. They fool themselves into believing that they really are all powerful. It’s a psychosis that they don’t want to cure, and many people join them in it for the promise of a piece of the power. It’s amazing how small a piece of that power people will accept in exchange for doing evil to another. Of course it’s to be expected that those who wish to have power over others would accept any excuse in order to do so.

The bottom line is that we are seeing evil conquest our planet. There can be only one solution: good must overcome. And it will.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:42 PM
I really do not believe that taking souls is a priority at all. There is only one that has any use for our souls and hopefully we all know about that. They are already protraying all Christians as haters and part of the problem. If any one buys into that, their chances are over. They have nothing left to depend on after that. You see our presence here on earth is only a portion of the journey, not the destination. Our destination is to sit next to the throne of our LORD in eternity. The PTB as they are, will never have that opportunity because where we all hope to go to Heaven (north) the rest of these manipulating sinners are headed in the opposite direction (south). I think that their ultimate goal would be in total power with never a question asked by the public. They want to control all the monetary value of every thing, which they are very close to doing right now.. All I can say is that you need to make yourself prepared and educated and be ready for what is without a doubt coming and coming soon. Be ready with every preperation that you can and also be ready to utilize force if you have to. Take arms, cache all of them that you would like to keep and keep "one" that you do not need. They will come, and they will take all of your weapons, that right now you have the right to have . Make sure that when you organize you organize in large groups that have the ability to split down into small groups as large groups would be a liability to all involved. Have plans of where to meet and when to meet and who has the responsibility of what to bring and what type of tools and supplies that you will need as a group. You will need to find shelter or carry it with you. When it comes time to "bug out" you will need to dispose of all GPS units, all cell phones, and all indentification cards, and all credit cards. If you do not dispose of these things, they will always have a way to track you down and track you down they will. They already have plans to have to do this and the locators are already in all these affore mentioned items. Besides, when it comes time to "bug out", all these things will be of no use to you or any body else. Make sure that you have cash but by that time cash may also be useless, but none the less have it just in case. I do hope that this helps to shed some light on a real situation that is happening right in front of our eyes...sabre11004...

P.S. United we stand...divided we fall...all stand united..

Any one that gives up their freedom for security will lose both their freedom and their security...Benjamin Franklin...

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker

And why would i want to cut those strings?

That is not the point really, the point is that when you know what is going on and wich tactics are used you are free to make your choice, people that do not realize it do not have the option to reject or accept any NWO. Personally i could not care less what your choice in the matter is by the way, it's everyones own choice to make.

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