posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 10:15 PM
As a former technician at a major defunct electronics retailer (three guesses), I have found that it's about 50/50 as to what kind of service you can
expect. As long as you are as nice as you can be to the poor bastards that are charged with dealing with understandably peeved customers, its possible
to get pretty good service. But don't expect a turn around of as little as 10 or so days. It gonna be more like 2-3 weeks. It's like this: a coupla
days (at least) to get your box with label, 2-3 days to ship it to the depot, a week as it gets received and placed, and then a week or so for it to
be looked at, looked at again, diagnosed, repaired or replaced or denied service, repacked, stacked for shipment, then finally shipped back. And that
is if everything goes well with no hiccups.
Good luck though! Can't wait to hear how it goes actually.
*edit for missing words lol*
[edit on 22-2-2009 by obilesk]