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Girl arrested for texting in class

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posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:32 AM
Please forgive me if I've created this thread under the wrong category and same goes if this story has been posted on this site.

"A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl who refused to stop texting during a high school math class was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, according to police. The teenager was busted last Wednesday at Wauwatosa East High School after she ignored a teacher's demand that she cease texting. The girl, whose name we have redacted from the below Wauwatosa Police Department report, initially denied having a phone when confronted by a school security officer. However, the phone was located after the girl was frisked by a female cop. The Samsung Cricket, the police report noted, was recovered "from the buttocks area" of the teenager. The student was issued a criminal citation for disorderly conduct, which carried "a bail of $298," and had her phone confiscated. The girl, who was barred from school property for a week, is scheduled for an April 20 court appearance on the misdemeanor rap"

I can understand the school wanting to enforce rules to stop students from texting and using cell phones in school. But this is going completely over the top! Give the girl denentions, saturdays, suspensions, but arrested? What good came of this? What did this accomplish? I bet the faculty felt really good about themselves after this and I can bet that this rent a cop felt like he was on top of the world, probably walks around with his chest all puffed out thinking he's cop of the century. Maybe they'll give him a metal badge instead of the plastic one he has pinned on his shirt and possibly up grade his water gun to a super soaker!

Good for the girl for not playing into this rent a cops Sherlock Holmes routine, and even better that she refused to allow him to search her. He observed her zipper being down, I guess he was excited at the idea of "searching" her. I don't mean to imply that he's a pedophile, but if he's just a security guard, what gives him the right to search anybody? I always thought when it came to any searches, that females always get searched by female officers? If I'm wrong, then what about underage females? Doesn't sound right to me. This case better get dismissed and the school should be sued as well as this security officer.

I have throughout the years hear of stories where minors are getting arrested for silly stuff to "teach them a lesson", but is this all going to be a trend that is going to be common place in schools? Instead of doing the old fashioned punishments of dententions, saturdays, suspensions, they are just going arrest her and turn her into a criminal? For texting? I can see if it was a serious fight, assault, gang activity, bomb in the locker, but texting? Maybe the next step will be putting x ray machines at the doors and if you give your own opinion on a subject in class, maybe they'll start throwing opinionated students in jail for disturbing the peace!

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:57 AM
If it's anything like Florida up in Wisconsin, it wasn't a rent a cop but a real one.

It may sound over the top, but, according to the blurb that you posted, she wasn't obeying the cop(s), which, usually is a misdemeanor and that is probably the reason that she was arrested, not simply for texting in class.

I remember when I was in high school, some of the students didn't listen at all. Dententions didn't deterr them. "ISS" didn't either. They thought that they owned the school and could do whatever they wanted. Getting arrested and speading a few hours downtown for something silly may sound over the top, but I think some good will come out of this. This girl probably learned a lesson too--listen to the cops. This lesson will serve her well if she is every, let's say, caught driving drunk. Unless I'm mistaking, don't you have to listen to the police then?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:00 AM
No good comes of it obviously, but it does accomplish something. It gets the girl into the system where the power of the state can be used to force submission. The power mad elite hate strong willed, free thinking non-conformists. This is how the process of breaking her will begins. If she continues to resist, the state will continue to increase the force used against her. If they determine that she is a real threat to their power and control then she will either be killed, sent off to a slave labor camp (prison) or destroyed through the social-intelligence network generally known as gangstalking.

The fact that the police are now brought in to handle a situation that used to mean a trip to the vice-principal’s office is a clear indication of the direction our society has taken. Total control is the goal. To resist is to risk your comfort and social standing, even your life if you resist effectively enough. To submit is to willingly accept the yoke of slavery.

I know not what course others may take…

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by itinerantseeker
Maybe the next step will be putting x ray machines at the doors and if you give your own opinion on a subject in class, maybe they'll start throwing opinionated students in jail for disturbing the peace!

Some schools do have x-ray machines in them. I heard about it a lot in high schools in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. They're usually in the tougher part of town though. I'll never forget going to watch my high school's basketball team play a school in Fort Lauderdale and having to be patted down before I was allowed into the gym!

I also had an American history teacher who threw kids out of class for not agreeing with him. I think that's pretty big, though it's not being thrown in jail.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by itinerantseeker

If she wz txtn usin tht stupid txt spk thn she shud get 10 yrs m8.
However, if she was using correct grammar and spelling within the text she should receive a detention.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 07:04 AM
Incidents like this is why we have such a high drop out rate!
Who calls the cops for just using a phone? Wow Imagine what they would do for cussing!

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by itinerantseeker
Good for the girl for not playing into this rent a cops Sherlock Holmes routine, and even better that she refused to allow him to search her. He observed her zipper being down, I guess he was excited at the idea of "searching" her. I don't mean to imply that he's a pedophile, but if he's just a security guard, what gives him the right to search anybody? I always thought when it came to any searches, that females always get searched by female officers? If I'm wrong, then what about underage females? Doesn't sound right to me. This case better get dismissed and the school should be sued as well as this security officer.

what? i read what you quoted from the artlicle:

the phone was located after the girl was frisked by a female cop.

Kids these days do need more punishment, they seem to think that they can do what they want. school is for learning. she should be happy that she is getting a free education in the first place.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:23 AM
Good I'm glad she got arrested. She was repeatedly told to stop DURING A CLASS and she refused. What do some of you alarmists expect to be done then? You cry out when the kid is beaten by a teacher, you cry out when the kid is beaten by a parent, you cry out when the kid is berated by a teacher, you cry out when a kid is tazered, you cry out when a kid has their cell phone confiscated (there was a thread on this a while back), yet you also cry out when kids run wild like in some of the inner city schools where there is no order whatsoever please don't even dare to say that her arrest was not warranted. I feel even worse should happen, her phone should be confiscated and never given back amongst other things.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by octotom

There's a big difference between getting arrested for drinking/driving and getting arrested for texting in class. She disobeyed a teacher, so what, I did when I was in school and do countless many. Did I ever get into trouble with the law after I graduated? No. What law was she breaking that she needed to obey an officer? Texting in class is hardly a dangerous crime, rude, inconsiderate and doesn't belong in the classroom I agree, but this is still b.s.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by MR BOB

So you agree with this then? Kids always have attitudes, they always will, teens are rebellious and high school is their first and last freedom, at least it is for many people. Let them act out, and let them learn the hard way when they actually become adults. So instead of arresting the ones in gangs, we should target rebellious 14 year old females that text to much. And yes I quoted from the article for those that don't like to click on links and I added my own opinion on it.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by rufusdrak
Good I'm glad she got arrested. She was repeatedly told to stop DURING A CLASS and she refused. What do some of you alarmists expect to be done then? You cry out when the kid is beaten by a teacher, you cry out when the kid is beaten by a parent, you cry out when the kid is berated by a teacher, you cry out when a kid is tazered, you cry out when a kid has their cell phone confiscated (there was a thread on this a while back), yet you also cry out when kids run wild like in some of the inner city schools where there is no order whatsoever please don't even dare to say that her arrest was not warranted. I feel even worse should happen, her phone should be confiscated and never given back amongst other things.

Well let's just throw away people just because it makes you and others with this high moral superiority feel better. Yes justice was done because, oh my she was being a teenager. Want to know what should be done? Simple, when there is a real crime like violence, drugs and gang activity, then you arrest those students and try and help them. If they can't be helped they can't be helped, at least someone tried. But this is just a simple case of not listening to a teacher and refusing to have some Barney feel her up. She obviously allowed the female officer to search her. You may not like her attitude, but so what, it doesn't make her a bad person, she's just a kid acting out.

I say let them act out, this is pretty innocent compared to what I've seen others her age do and when she grows up, then she'll have to face the consequences that come with being an adult. You really think getting arrested is going to scare her into good behavior? Maybe, but most likely she'll probably get worse and possibly drop out of school. The school has no right to keep property, unless they plan to pay for it. Oh, and I dare say her arrest wasn't warranted, it was completely unnecessary and can't believe you are comparing her to inner city thugs that run wild on the streets.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Besides being distracted, distracting, rude and unnecessary, what the blazes is she thinking and more important what are her parents thinking by allowing her to think she has the right to engage in this behavior?

She's 10, what do you think she will be doing when she gets into the work force at her first business meeting? If I were the teacher, I would not be calling police, I'd be smashing the cell phone into 500 pieces in front of her and telling her to explain exactly why it was destroyed. There's a time and place for everything, class is not the place for playing. End of story.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:28 AM
This is a case of the state having to do what the parents should be doing. I agree with Cynic, remove the 'phone and put it in a grinder but a lot of parents these days wouldn't accept that and by the same token wouldn't discipline their children in any event.

The child doesn't know any better. We need to give our teachers the authority to act in these instances and parents need to step up to the plate and install disciple in their children.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Besides the story itself, what is wrong with the way schools used to handle problems like this? Some of you are saying the kid deserved it and that it will teach her a lesson. Yeah, well what kind of lesson? Think about the impact this is going to have on a kid compared to the old way of doing things, the proven way that we grew up with - going to the principals office or getting kicked out of class for the period. Sure it may not have worked great and a lot of kids still caused trouble but it didn't get us arrested for screwing off in class did it!?
Think of how you would have felt if a flipping cop arrested you for doing something this innocent in class.
People wonder why we have more crime now than ever in the US. Could it be because we are letting a system being worked into place to police the whole country on everything even in the schools? Watch when these kids grow up and feel the same towards cops that we felt like towards our principals in our youth when we got in a little trouble. It won't be "cops are your friend" mentality by any means!

[edit on 2/22/2009 by darklife]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Simple solution....

Teacher asks student to put away cell phone

Student ignores and continues texting

Teacher asks again, please stop texting in class and pay attention

Student ignores and continues to text

Teacher pulls student out of the class into the hallway and asks the student to pay attention, ask why she will not pay attention and see what the student says...get a feel for the kid. Explain that other kids are trying to learn and it's disrespectful to sit there and text. Tell the kid if you don't want to learn and fail my class thats fine but if you want to keep texting and not pay attention then leave the classroom please. Now go back inside

Student basically tells you to piss off by getting the phone back out and continues texting

Teacher walks over, grabs phone from kid, proceeds to turn the phone into about 10 peices, hands it back to the kid, sends the kid to the principles office and goes back to teaching useful students.

[edit on 2/22/2009 by rcwj75]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:51 AM
There is an entire thread, several pages long that already discusses this issue.

Please do a search.

Girl 14 arrested for text messaging in school


[edit on 22-2-2009 by RFBurns]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by darklife
Think of how you would have felt if a flipping cop arrested you for doing something this innocent in class.

Yeah but see we wouldn't have been this disrespectful. We were taught by parents to have manners and act right. If I would of acted like this in class and got into trouble for being an ignorant ahole my parents would of taken the phone, never got it back, grounded, and who knows what else.

People wonder why we have more crime now than ever in the US. Could it be because we are letting a system being worked into place to police the whole country on everything even in the schools? Watch when these kids grow up and feel the same towards cops that we felt like towards our principals in our youth when we got in a little trouble. It won't be "cops are your friend" mentality by any means!

No sorry...thats not why crime is up. Crime is up because DISIPLINE is down. We have allowed kids to run wild without TRUE punishment and now its out of hand and we don't know how to deal with it. Like I said, years ago my arse would be sore from acting like this in school...but my guess is these parents will sue for money, blame the school, let her keep the cell phone, blame blame blame and never once scold her for being a pain.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:54 AM

* By FRANK CARNEVALE, Special Contributor WAUWATOSA, Wis. - A 14-year-old girl at Wauwatosa East High School was arrested last Wednesday after she refused to stop texting in class. According to the police report , the girl at first denied having a cell phone when confronted by a school security guard. The phone was located during a body search. The phone was recovered "from the buttocks area" of the student, the police report said. The student was issued a citation for disorderly conduct, based on her disruption of the class, insubordination and lying to security. An initial court data of April 20 court has been scheduled. According to the report, the girl has a history of "negative contacts" with the administration.

I'd say she was asking for it.

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