posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by TheRealDonPedros
This is true but it one of the Siddhis that comes much later than an earlu practitioner, and is usually not one single sound as Op describes.
Op I have experienced this on my path, it is as well one of two things, if you have th karma for it or an especially ear trained or auditory mind as
it sounds it could be the beggining of you hearing better, maybe becoming aware of noises at a distance that you couldnt before as you ground yourself
and spread your awareness.
It also could be a bit of clauraudiance which means someone is talking about you on this plane, or you are hearing your guide attempting to make
contact, it is also the noise heard when you leave your body and astrally project.
However I am nearly 99.9% sure it is none of these, it is just the mundane, you are an auditory person, you are for the first time in your life being
mindful whilst not jumping from sense to sense, or thought to thought, until you can control it fully, probably for many years projections and such
like fill this gap in thought as the mind is not used to the silence and generates such things, or it is a memory flashing up of a note you really
liked or song or concert or whatever....
Try a visual meditation to break this strong aspect of your ID, focus awake dont let it go fuzzy on a flame or object, when you wander look again,
dont think about anything just look at it it should help break this pattern.
Many visual people as well get images in their minds eye when they first meditate, same thing, though they too can be glimses of other stuff or
siddhis though usually are mundane as mentioned in the early stages.
Keep on doing it well done