posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:35 PM
"God is, was, and ever shall be."
Science postulates the universes began with the big bang. (That seems to be the most accepted theory.)
The Bibile says "In the beginning, the earth was void, and without form."
In both cases, there was nothing until some outside force intervened. I don't care what you call it. You can call it God, Krishna, or The Great
Spirit, but until you can tell me what happened one second before the Big Bang, or God creating everything, it is just an empty arguement. I choose
to believe in God and Science. They are not mutually exclusive, and the way the Universe functions points to intelligent design. (Note: I did not
refer exclusively to earth or mankind. I said Universe, and I meant Universe.)
The known Universe does not operate in chaos. Everything is in order, everything functions on a schedule.
Religion is based on faith. Faith that God exists, faith that the teachings of the Bible (If you are Christian or Jew) are true, although some of the
stories are probably allegorical.
Science is based on faith. No matter what your religion is. It is based on faith that the numbers are correct. In quantum physics, it is based on
particles that can't be seen, or touched. It is simply assumed, because of a complex mathmatical theorum that it simply is.
I'll break it down a little more. You have a loaded gun in your hand. You aim at a target. You squeeze the trigger. You believe(have faith) that
the firing pin will fall, strike the casing, causeing the primer to ignite the powder, sending the projectile toward the target. You have faith that
you will hit the target, exactly where you aimed.
It all comes down that one word, regardless of which side you take. Faith