posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:19 PM
I think all discussion on spirituality is a good way to spiritual growth. Sometimes we can learn from others, and I can see that LGM is definitely
thinking about this a lot.
My take on the Trinity varies a bit from yours though. I would split the trinity into three pieces also. I will call them "the animal", "the soul"
and "the source".
The "nimal"is the body that we are born within with all it's ego needs. It's drives are very freudian in nature- survival, propagation, hunger,
thirst, and sex and the death drive.
The "soul" - has as it's driving force the need to evolve to her "vibrations" , to clear karma, and to self actualize amongst many other roles.
It's growth is achieved by service to other actions- truth, unconditional love and humility. As becomes obvious these "needs" are constantly in
competition with those of the "animal".
The anology I want to use is the "animal" is the horse and the "soul" is the rider - when the rider takes control the soul has the ability to
achieve it's goal of progressing along it's spiritual path. When however the horse is in control it will go wherever it wants and frequently totally
away from where the rider wishes to go.
The "source" in turn is the ultimate goal of the individual soul - the home base, so to speak, it's highest level of development. The moment where
the soul becomes one with it's creator.