36 ratings, 5 full stars, and only 208 views? That's an abnormally high number of ratings for that many views.
Alright, who knows something about this? Looks like a production at first, but footage appears real. I dunno. Help?
edit: updated rating and views, and finally saw the whole thing. Looks like one big blurry mess to me. I did not rate it. I guess the guy called all
his friends and they all gave it a 5?
But is it new?? Every time I post something in here, it is ALWAYS old, and just been reposted. Has anyone else seen this?
I think the fact it has alot of editing at the start.
And star wars rubbish even with the youtube guys name on the video.
Then its probably fake.
It looks like a cloud or contrail, but the object he probably added himself.
As soon I hear the background music in these types of video I am immediately reminded of the cheesy music in 70s porn movies. These things look
similarly authentic.
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