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How do I answer this?

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:43 PM
Thank you all for your answers. I have learned a lot more than I was expecting.
I think at this point I should clear up a few things.
Yes I am a Christian...not actively practicing but I do believe in 'the supreme being' and without going into too much personal details about my choice of school lets just say the over all quality is better than the public schools available not just because I want to expose my son to Christian teachings.

With his love of dinosaurs he had learned about the idea of dinosaurs 'turning into' birds so I have also tried to explain to him about the concept of evolution and in particular theistic evolution, which is my personal belief. I think this may be the catalyst for his questions.

Thank you to those that understand what I am asking here. as for the others, I am aware of how things are and know enough about the old testament to not take it all too literally. My query is how to explain this without taking away the innocence of a child and turning him into a cynic at such an early age.

And thank you Byrd for calming things down but FYI, VIKINGANT is HE and HIM not SHE or HER.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT

My query is how to explain this without taking away the innocence of a child and turning him into a cynic at such an early age.

So you don't want want a miniature Greg House running about then? Ah well.

I think if you try and infuse God well into evolution, as you said theistic evolution, then he'll still have his innocence. As long as he's excited about how God made everything, it shouldn't matter, he wont feel deceived.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by rockhndr

I don't need to be a parent to know good parenting...
If only I was taught the truth instead of lies when I was growing up...
I never said you should tell your son that we die and there is nothing but emptiness, I said you should tell him the truth - that no one knows and it's part of the mystery of life.
But if you tell him an absolute, then he will take it as the truth and later find out that you lied to him - this can and does cause trust issues later in life, just read a book on psychology.
Whatever, this is getting off topic.
But you said you were 'disgusted' by some of us on this thread (I take it that includes me). So I'm telling you that it's not 'disgusting' to tell your kid the truth - rather, it's disgusting not to.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:57 PM
You can either tell the truth to him or make a "white lie".

I think this "innocence" you want him to have is just him turning a blind eye. Like how kids who believe in Santa...parents are "lying" to their kids, but all in a good fun, right?

You can either explain it to him or make up a story on how God created everything, and Jesus didn't come in until a certain time or something along those lines.

Maybe give him both stories and make him think a bit?

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by TruthParadox

So what you're in essence saying is that you want YOUR truth to be told? What is true and factual in YOUR beliefs may or may not be someone else's. I guess that would be the point I was trying to make-You were right yesterday-we did get a little off-topic (I layed awake last night thinking of our debatable subject here-or rather the way I handled it, and I do apologize for sounding "rough" so to speak) I am sorry, but that doesn't mean I agree with you. You have your beliefs, and thats fine...other people have theirs, but that doesn't make either of you right or wrong!-You just think you're right, and others think they're right, I guess if we didn't have that then ATS wouldn't exist now would it?
Let's just agree to disagree? I am not trying to keep the topic going-but did feel the need to apologize to you for my behavior yesterday. I came across as rude, and for that I am sorry.
shall we move on? I do look forward to seeing you around the threads!!

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by rockhndr

I am sorry, but that doesn't mean I agree with you. You have your beliefs, and thats fine...

Keeping in mind, of course, that these beliefs are substantiated by science. While everyone has equal right to believe in anything they so choose, not all beliefs are equal.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by rockhndr

Sure, no harm done.
I just get a little ruffled when I see people saying it's a good thing to lie to their kids. Of course, they don't know what problems that can cause later in life, or I'm sure they wouldn't do it.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:52 AM
Hmmm, All the information is right there, you just need to actually read the book.

All animals were created the day before Man about 4000 to 6000 years ago. It is a proven fact that reptiles continue to grow thru their entire lifetime, even today.

Before the flood, the atmosphere was almost entirely made up of Oxygen, so people and animals lived for thousands of years ( Noah was 800 years old when he began building the Ark ) This is how reptiles grew so big.

After the flood, the atmosphere was more like it is today, so People and animals live much shorter lives, hence smaller reptiles.

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, They were called serpents or dragons. Many ancient civilizations worshiped them. The word Dinosaur was no created until the early 1900's.

How do you explain the dinosaur footprint with the humans footprint inside of it?

Do your research, then tell your child the truth.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:30 PM

As you you wrote...

If God made man and all the animals when he made the world, and dinosaurs were extinct before man was around then when did he make the dinosaurs and why aren’t they in the bible?

It is a simple enough question I guess but how do you answer it without compromising what he is being taught at school and my main point is, isn’t it about time we start educating our kids with reality instead of outdated fairytales? I mean, the Genesis story was being taught way before Hayden found his first skeleton. Schools are adapting and modifying what they teach as discoveries are made. After all, they teach that the world is in fact round now don’t they.

Part of the answer can be found in an early "Christian Writing" called...

The Gospel of Thomas

in Verse 39. (where Thomas Quoted...)

Jesus said,

"The Pharisees and the scribes
have taken The Keys of Knowledge
and Hidden Them.

They themselves have Not entered,
nor have they allowed to enter
those who wish to."

The knowledge given in the bible (Which is a Roman collection, of a selection of some Hebrew and Greek Writings) is Not understood today and has been corrupted by politics, translation, and ignorance of the true meaning in context etc.

The Name "Man" and "Woman" refers to the Soul and Not the Primate we call man today.

The Name "A'Dam" was the Name given to the Primate (whom many call call "man" today).

What has happened, (perhaps through ignorance and is falsely taught today), that "A'dam" and "Man" are one and the same entity!

The translation of the Genesis has also become corrupted through a number of different processes, through the ages.

In some cases Intentional while in other cases unintentional....

ie Roman Political interpretation in religious form and in other cases through mistaken understanding of the original message in the writings.

The Creation of the "World" that is described in the Genesis (of the Roman Bible and used by other denominations) is totally different than the forming of the Earth.

Again the "World" and the Earth are Two different happenings that have been misunderstood as being one and the same!

The "World" that was Created, was Created in the beginning, but the "Earth" was formed more recently.

The "Earth" appeared as a result of or through the Workings of the "World" that was first Created.

The Face of the Deep and The Waters mentioned in the Creation of the "World" are Not the Sea/Seas of the Earth.

So I can Understand, why people have great difficulty with the Genesis in your bible.

It is Not so much the writings that are at fault, but rather the Indoctrination based on ignorance that is the problem today!

The Ignorance being a lack of knowledge of The All, which all of us human primates are a dictum of.

So what is reflected by the lack of understanding of the writings, and indoctrination of beliefs today (involving any history, whether of theology or Science subjects), must be re-evaluated and diligently investigated again, as to their True meaning, Not based on assumption, or by humankind, just trying to make the writings fit our imagination or so called understand to day.

What was understood by some in those days, was completely different than what we interpret today.

In other words some knew of a "World" that the Earth and the Universe were made manifest in or by.....

[edit on 25-5-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 06:14 PM
"He has accepted..." "my beliefs are..."

All this dangerous language. It doesn't matter what you believe, accept or are fooled into thinking, all that matters is what is.

Blind faith so strange. Do you think a Muslim child will grow up a Christian or Muslim? If not Christian, why not a Christian? It is evident in itself that religion is simply a matter of exposure.

But then again, a fanatic is someone who can't change their mind and won't change the subject, so preach on, you crazy believers...

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Twilly
Hmmm, All the information is right there, you just need to actually read the book.

All animals were created the day before Man about 4000 to 6000 years ago. It is a proven fact that reptiles continue to grow thru their entire lifetime, even today.

Before the flood, the atmosphere was almost entirely made up of Oxygen, so people and animals lived for thousands of years ( Noah was 800 years old when he began building the Ark ) This is how reptiles grew so big.

After the flood, the atmosphere was more like it is today, so People and animals live much shorter lives, hence smaller reptiles.

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, They were called serpents or dragons. Many ancient civilizations worshiped them. The word Dinosaur was no created until the early 1900's.

How do you explain the dinosaur footprint with the humans footprint inside of it?

Do your research, then tell your child the truth.


Only 4-6,000 years ago? But...but what about the Venus figurines, that are about 18,000+ years old? What about Jericho itself, which is 11,000 years old? Who the hell built it's walls if mankind and everything else did not exist?!

Why oh why can't I feed my pet iguana until it is the size and shape of a brachiosaurus? Believe it or not, the thing just gets really freaking fat and dies of a heart attack!

Do you even know why you grow old? Exposure to oxygen! Oxygen is a very dangerous gas - do you not see what it does to solid iron when left exposed? It corrodes it until it is but dust - and this substance is in your cells your entire life. What damage do you think it's doing in there? They use oxygen to etch glass, ffs! The only way you might even have a case is if there was less oxygen, and even then that'd be like putting an elephant up a mountain - the thing would die wheezing.

Snakes are mentioned in the bible. They are called serpents, or dragons. Dinosaurs are a vast collection of different species, all incredibly varied and prolific, some great, some small, that existed for millions of years longer than humans have. God must have had hours of fun with those big buggers until he decided to wipe them all out, huh?

Honestly, your reasoning is laughable, and then you have the audacity to mention the word "truth"....

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by rockhndr
I find this thread totally disgusting!! Shame on most of you for your answers of anger and beliefs!! The OP was simply asking for help WITH THEIR childs question!!! TSK TSK to most of you for attacking!!!!! I for one have NO IDEA what to believe, (and my husband is an atheist!!)but our 5 year old son came to us one day and asked what happens when you die.........think about it....were we going to terrify our 5 year old with the concept of EMPTINESS and NOTHING EXISTING??????? This is A CHILDS INNOCENT question.....shame on most of you!!!! Even for the fact that my husband is atheist-we answered that you go to a place called heaven....we can explain later as he grows and UNDERSTANDS more of the world around him...but to just let a little child believe in the existence of NOTHING was scarier for him. The OP -I'm sure was just trying to ask for help in answering a CHILDS question......the best way they know how-What is wrong with YOU PEOPLE....
As I stated before....belief is ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS... and those beliefs can be explained once the child grows older....and able to decide on their own....I accept all your beliefs, but don't understand the attacks on others.....


Why can't you just tell the truth?

You don't have to be afraid to admit you don't know.

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