I've not read all the replies, but I'll give my own first.
I not just believe, I
know that I'm 100% responsible for my own life. I'm the architect of my life. I'm the god of my universe. I'm the
captain of my soul. I'm the master of my destiny. I'm the driver of the bus. I create my reality.
I dictate what I see, hear, think, feel, smell, touch. I dictate which books or movies I'll watch. I dictate with whom I'll hang out. I eat what I
want to eat. My TV has a button called Power. My Internet browser has a X button. I've legs to walk away from any situation that is not interesting
to my life. I put my attention on the things that I want to direct my energy.
The outside world can even be a bit chaotic, my internal world is always ordered.
They can do, feel and believe whatever they want, I control where my energy goes.
If there's anyone to blame for our government, It's "we, the people". We don't live in Greece anymore to participate more openly on the system,
that's why we have the current way of politics.
Robert Anton Wilson said once: "conspiracies exist because there are conspiracies and because people want to blame someone that is not themselves for
their problems."
Seems that people read conspiracies "theories" and don't know a bit about law, self-empowerment, psychology...
Last week I was talking with a woman that studied the doctrine of Allan Kardec and according to her, we have "guardian angels" that either suck or
give us energy. It, according to her, depends on our vibration.
She also gave me an example of drunk man. She said that he drinks because the spiritual beings around him need his energy and suposedly that's why
drunk man survive in the most fatal situations: the beings 'save' the man, because they need him to parasitate.
We have free will, isn't that really beatiful?
That means that even if a hypnotist say to you a command that you deep inside don't agree, you'll raise your barries and you'll not comply.
Ok, we also have "subliminal programming" and #, but they still can't control us.
Waking life screenplay:
(To man up telegraph pole) Hey, old man, what you doing up there?
I'm not sure.
You need any help getting down, sir?
No, I don't think so.
(quitely)... stupid bastard.
No worse than us. He's all action and no theory. We're all theory and no action.
Humans are meaning making creatures and beings of habit. Most things (90%+) of what we do, think, feel today, we did tomorrow OR we're reacting to an
external stimulus.
Let's be concious of our lifes. Mind and body are one!
Tony Schwartz, like many more people, said that the most important capacity we have mentaly is to focus our attention. The single most powerful source
of energy we can get mentaly is the capacity to think in a observed way fir a sustained period of time about one thing.
Skyfloating posted good gold gems on the "law of attraction" topic.
Many good books are on public domain, and we can find then on places like archive.org, sacred-texts.com, torrent sites, etc...
We've google to help us find stuff. You town probably have a public library full of interesting stuff.
The keys to the heaven are right below our own noses!
If not you, who?
If not now, when?