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UFO's=German tech?

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posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 01:40 PM
I've seen pictures n other parts of this site of german aircraft designs from WW2. It seems to me that some of the designs look an awful lot like what we now call UFOs. Also, things like Roswell happened a few years after the end of WW2. So couldnt these ships be real, but be man made. Two possibilities are:the germans produced them but it was already to late; either the Americans or the Rusians stole the designs after th war and built there own. Why would it be kept secret?who knows, but just becuase we dont know why doesnt mean there isnt a reason.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 01:51 PM
that the Germans recovered a crashed disc/s before we did in Roswell. It would certainly explain the US's quick snatch-up of German scientists after the war, and consequent advances...

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 02:33 PM
But Im asking what if it is german technology? Roswell could have been us testing stolen technology; Russians using stolen technology as spy planes or some #.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 03:19 PM
There's no way the Russians (crippled by the war) or the Germans (ditto) could have had enough of an industrial program left to build any prototypes to fly over America. And the US was pretty antsy back then -- if any such aircraft had gotten into the airspace, we'd have had jets all over the country scrambling after it.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by LuSiD
Why would it be kept secret ?who knows, but just becuase we dont know why doesnt mean there isnt a reason.

The reason ? There is 2 main reasons :

1) This technology doesn't neet oil & petrol ! So, we can say that the first reason is MONEY.

2) When you have a super-weapon, but something who's really powerfull and wonderfull, you don't want that other know it,because they will try to have it too. So, we can say that the second reason is the POWER.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
There's no way the Russians (crippled by the war) or the Germans (ditto) could have had enough of an industrial program left to build any prototypes to fly over America. And the US was pretty antsy back then -- if any such aircraft had gotten into the airspace, we'd have had jets all over the country scrambling after it.

Germans? They had for example Repulsine:

It was a part of Victor Schauberger vortex technologies discoveries. Paperclipped by USA after WW2.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 06:51 AM

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by LuSiD

I've heard that alot from people that the oil companies will never let alternative scources of energy come to light becuase it would cripple them. But thats assuming oil companies have that much power over governments. Think about how beneficial it would be for our government to find a real alternative. We would be able to break the reliance that we have on other, oil producing, countries. It is always possible that the oil companies are behind some massive conspiracy to keep technologies from the world so that they can keep up the profits.......but I doubt it.

You doubt ????
You doubt that the oils company will not hide any " anti-oil " technology ??? Are u kidding ??? They bought tons & tons of patents !!!

We are not speaking about some few million $, or even some few billion $. We are speaking about billion of billion $ !

What would you do to protect a so big ammount of bucks ? EVERYTHING ! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G !!!

Gaz,oil, uranium...all these lobbys will do all they can do to protect their incomes. There is no limits for them. Only 1 thing is counting : THEMSELVES !

And you, you doubt ?

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
What would you do to protect a so big ammount of bucks ? EVERYTHING ! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G !!!

Gaz,oil, uranium...all these lobbys will do all they can do to protect their incomes. There is no limits for them. Only 1 thing is counting : THEMSELVES !


Of course, everything...


In the early 1970, in Brockton, Ma, I owned and operated a company called Debal Heating and Air Conditioning. This was about the time that we had that phony gasoline shortage. Each morning myself and 12 employees would sit in the gas line with 6 trucks to get a mere 5 gallons of gasoline.

As I sat in that gasoline line day after day, I started to think there must be a better way. If they have the technology to put a man on the moon they must have the technology to get much better gas mileage.....


posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:07 AM
The Germans had some very advanced technology by the end of the war. Their main problem is that they ran out of time. German scientists were brought to the US after the war under the codename OPERATION PAPERCLIP. If the germans did have advanced flight technology, then maybe the US did obtain those secrets.
As for the Soviets they just didn't have the technical exepertise to produce anything that advanced, even with German help.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:27 AM
Russians couldnt make german technology?Where do you think migs came from? And if they had german help wouldnt they then have that needed technical expertise?

The rest of you seem to be under the assumption that the people who really control the world are the oil companies......??? Yeah theres alot of money in it, but does that mean they really control the government and its policies? Do you think the military is going to make its decisions based on what oil execs want? If the military keeps things secret its not becuase some company wants them to.

[Edited on 31-1-2003 by LuSiD]

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:51 AM
Ahhh yes.... The MIG 15, the Soviets only brief moment of having superior jet fighter technology. However, the most important component of the MIG-15 was the engine and it wasn't German technology it was British.

In 1948, the Soviet MiG design bureau developed a high-performance jet fighter design called the I-310. It incorporated some advanced features, such as a 35-degree wing sweep, and it promised to be a sprightly performer. However, the design lacked one essential component: A suitable engine. This problem was resolved when the British government authorized the Rolls-Royce company to export their Nene turbojet engine to Russia. As soon as the Russian Klimov design bureau received the engines, they immediately developed their own copy of the Nene, called the Klimov RD-45. Within months, the first prototype of the I-310 had flown with the new engine. The aircraft was redesignated MiG-15 and entered service early in 1949.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 08:55 AM
It was the most essenital. Not the most advanced. Never said the Russians were good engineers.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 09:22 AM
Precisely, that's why the Russians couldn't have produced an advanced aircraft of possible German design. They just didn't have technological base to do this.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 09:25 AM
(As soon as the Russian Klimov design bureau recieved the engines, they immediately developed their oen copy of the Nene, called the RD-45)

Once you tell someone how to make something, it gets a little easier. It even works if they steal the designs...

[Edited on 31-1-2003 by LuSiD]

[Edited on 31-1-2003 by LuSiD]

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 09:41 AM
All cutting edge technologies require an industrial base to back them up. Just having a copy isn't always enough as the technologies to produce the components are mysteries.
I believe China tried to reverse engineer a 737 back in the 1970's, but couldn't produce all the components and piece tehm together.

As for the MIG engine the technology wasn't a mystery as it wasn't radically different from previous engines.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 09:48 AM
Having a copy isnt always enough. fine. sometimes it is. And just becuase they didnt have any good german scientists to make them engines doesnt mean they didnt have german scientists from other fields. Maybe when they were busy gathering up german designs they happened to grab most of the designs they needed. Maybe they had enough time to go through the german designs that they made sure they had what they needed....
Maybe they never did build one, but that doesn mean they never had one.

[Edited on 31-1-2003 by LuSiD]

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 10:37 AM
My point was exactly what Mad Scientist said.

Even if you had the plans for a Space Shuttle, there's no way that you and a group of friends could manufacture it locally. It takes some expensive infrastructure and sophisticated machines to make these things. The Russians didn't have that capability right after the war. They were playing "me too" for a long time.

Now, there's no doubt that they DID benefit from their own group of German scientists -- the space race proves that.

UP, I think we need to have a talk about gas and oil companies. The big and powerful companies aren't just drilling for gas and oil and doing pipelines. They manufacture plastics and other such things and also resell power -- so they are buying and building hydroelectric plants and other forms of power to use and to resell. Cheap or free power would do them a favor, since they could spend more of their oil and gas making high-demand plastics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc, etc and they wouldn't be at the mercy of the Saudi cartels.

The only companies whose sole function is oil and gas are the small drilling companies.

Tales of patent theft to prevent "free energy" getting into the hands of the people are false (all you have to do is look at the US patents online to see how many of these are filed and are still in the hands of the creators.)

Some of those screaming about suppression of ideas have never filed a patent in their lives.

The reason that they're not being commercially produced is that they don't work.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 11:48 AM
What is there to have stopped the russians from taking models that the germans had alreadt built. like the panzerhuast or whatever it was called. Anyway, it dosnt matter if russia was able to build one or not, that wasnt the point.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 03:34 PM
I saw informaton on Sightings (A Sci-Fi channel show) about this exact topic around six months ago. Here's the summary:

The Allies were dominating the air, and Hitler wanted a aerial vechicle that could take off and land vertically. They were just going to test it before the allies won and confiscated the plans. There were photos of the plans on the screen.

It very closely resembled common-day UFOs. A different form of energy would be nearly impossible at that time to make. Mass producing these UFOs, as convienient as it might be, would short-circut the national treasury, shooting taxes upward. A war weapon of UFOs might be more effiecient but obsolete as nuclear weapons would be more effective. Besides, it would be difficult to make the UFOs turn any direction unless their engines could rotate.

The goverment is probably not involved with aleins, much to the suspicions of the public when they heard of UFOs going from military bases. I think that the government is trying to draw our attention to that while the "real" affairs with aleins are undiscovered.

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